Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tranquility or Exhaustion?

Wednesday March 27th, 2013

You know the saying that you truly know a foreign language when you dream in it? …Weeeeeeeell…XD I don’t remember my dreams very clearly as of late but one thing I do recall, speaking Chinese. Not fluent Chinese mind you but the same level and pace my current abilities allow me to. That counts for something right? There have been times before I thought I had a Chinese dream but couldn’t recollect much of anything. I think it’s awesome that I can finally confirm I have had a dream in Chinese. Whoop whoop! Success! :)

Same as yesterday, my throat continues to be irritated. No mucus, no cough, just irritated. By the time I arrived at high school, I was longing for something warm and soothing to drink. Therefore I stopped by Hi-Life convenient store and found the only drink that matched my requirements. From combining the written English and Chinese character “” I came to the conclusion that it was cumquat tea. It is a product that is stored in a heating container intended to keep the drinks inside warm. Perfect, a warm beverage with supposed healing properties.

I’ve actually drunk this before when my voice totally and painfully went out and I recalled this drink helped soothe my throat. However much my memory remembers its past comforting ability, it didn’t compare with today at all. Goodness me oh my, it was fantastic! Throughout the entire process of sipping it, my throat lost all soreness while being accompanied with a nice taste of a hybrid between lemonade and tea. Though the effects didn’t completely last long afterwards, I noticed a for sure difference in the amount of irritation. I have now come to be indebted to and liking this drink. Thanks cumquat tea! :D

As with every last Wednesday of the month, I went to my club’s Rotary lunch meeting in the afternoon. Very few members compared to the usual number were there today. Inquiring as to why, Uncle Barry said that many were in Korea visiting a sister Rotary club. So it left the meeting today small and compact.

The style of the food was the rotating table type. Dishes would be brought out one by one, slowly piling up the table with various Asian dishes. I had mentally warned myself ahead of time to be veeeeeery careful with the intake of food. It is super easy to find yourself overeating at Rotary events so one must be diligently conscious at all times. My battle plan was to try everything but in small quantities and to give priority to veggies over meat.

How did it turn out? SPLENDIDLY! The most land animal meat I ate amounted to about a cubic inch with the remaining meat being fish and having vegetables dominate in quantity over all. More so I was able to decline rice without seemingly offending anyone. Also no seconds were taken. Going even further, the waiters mysteriously forgot to bring the final dessert of a sweet soup to our table, having only some healthy fruit. Total score! I’m sorry but that is totally the dear Lord watching over me. I thank him for blessing me with such a nice, light meal with amples of tea to follow! Tea is my throat’s best friend right now. :P

The speaker to today spoke over a medical subject, a break through in the Taiwanese medical field. He showed a Chinese video over a Malaysian little girl named Mitsuki having a kind of cancer in her blood. Something something treatment happened and she was healed (don’t even think about expecting me to understand Chinese medical terminology XD). What I found most surprisingly wasn’t the video, but the Texan girl watching it. Despite battling sleep at school earlier this morning and my unfortunate habit of tending to drift off during presentations, not once was I in danger of passing out. Woah…what?! XD Perhaps there was a bit of caffeine in the several cups of tea I swigged? Whatever it was, staying fully alert was another small accomplishment of the day as well as a blessing.

Walking back to high school, I felt extremely calm and peaceful. Just really content almost as if in a daze. Wow, when did I last feel like this?! XD Along the way I saw many stores setting up tables and little fire buckets in front of their establishments. These are for a ritual in order to bring luck and prosperity to their stores. They place food, drink and incense sticks on the table and burn fake money in the fire. This is either to please the Chinese gods or to satisfy ghosts so they won’t haunt the building. I’ve seen these many times before but still can’t figure out when they need to take place. The shops that did it today were mostly wedding related places. Is this a coincidence or not? Not sure, oh well. :P

Back to high school for an hour and twenty minutes of class before being released. When 4:00 rolled around, I stopped by a nearby Tatung company store to purchase some objects seen, debated and finally concluded to get. On the right we have a mini desk fan and the left is a dual-purpose gizzy of being both a container and music box with a Tatung cooker appearance. Now you might be wondering, why did I buy these? Well their main purpose is to be souvenirs of both Tatung high school/university as well as the company. In every Taiwanese household there is at least one Tatung product anywhere from TVs to cookers to fans, hence making these souvenirs of Taiwan in general as well. Plus they’re so darn cute! (I didn’t unpack them because I want them to stay protected until back in Texas.) Redy recommended the fan saying it worked great for cooling you down while working.

As for the other do-dad, something that’s really neat is the music box cooker (Tatung’s cookers are famous, one being in my current host family’s house) plays a happy tune of what I’ve been told was the song used in old Tatung product commercials. They don’t play anymore on television so I’m not familiar with it but I will be soon enough! ;D If you take off the lid, as you would a normal cooker, you can place things like small office supplies or candy inside. These both were just too adorable, too memorable and too well priced to pass up. The “debate” part of their purchase was the extra weight concerning the limit for airline luggage. Yeah, I’m super conscious about it but in the end I knew I would regret not getting these little treasures. Therefore I now possess them and happily supported my school’s company in the process. Double score! ;D

This is what the inside of this particular Tatung branch store looked like. You can see a few of their many household appliances. FYI, “Tatung” is somewhat misleading. The correct Romanization actually is “Datong.” It struck me today that I might have not told y’all that so you might pronounce it the incorrect “Ta-tung” way. Just a little fun fact. :P

Heading home an overwhelming feeling swept over me, like what I experienced earlier but amplified. Being enlarged I realized it wasn’t tranquility, it was exhaustion. Too tired to let thoughts trouble me and way beyond the point of going through with my original goal of exercising today. I was like balloon. One small prick of a needle and I would burst into useless pieces. My theory is that it’s a combination of having less sleep, no nap today, stress for a big Chinese test tomorrow and coming down with what I believe is the beginning of a cold. The throat irritation and the beginning of a runny nose don’t hold much promise and it is cold season after all. Either way, as soon as I got home it was a much needed snoozle time.

For dinner there were two new dishes of interest that haven’t crossed my path before.

One was seafood meat. Can you guess what kind of seafood? Something uncommon…my second greatest fear…has waaaaaay too many teeth for comfort. That’s right, shark! This strange meat tasted as if normal fish and chicken were weirdly combined. Not bad stuff.

Next was a peculiar oval shaped fruit linked to a stem that uncomfortably reminded me of hairy spider legs. To eat it one needs to peel off the skin, almost like a banana except this fruit has one medium-sized seed inside and is much smaller. It was sweet but only lightly so. Apparently this fruit grows in Taiwan only during this season and therefore is somewhat pricey. Wish I knew the English name though. XD

That’ll be all for this day. Good night all. *falls gratefully into bed*

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