Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Soymilk Drink

Monday March 25th, 2013

Starting with breakfast, c’here is what was served. I believe y’all have seen this before but I thought I’d show you again just in case I didn’t. All it has is two ingredients, crispy flat bread and a cooked egg. The bread, connected on one side like a hot dog, is very crunchy and flaky guaranteed to have crumbs falling left and right. The egg is…well…an egg. It’s a very simple meal but pretty tasty.

University class was normal. We’re now speeding through the chapters at a good pace, which brings promise to tackle some of the second book in the coming months. Yay!

In a spurt of exploration spirit, I purchased a new drink at 7-Eleven. According to the English label it is a “Low Sugar & High Fiber Soymilk” beverage with some good nutrients stuff I don’t understand thanks to unknown complicated Chinese characters. Its taste was quite appealing, not loaded with sugar but not lacking sweetness. Me gusta!

When going up to the check out counter, I realized something staggering. The “milk” part in “soymilk” triggered the awareness that it had been months since my last real milk intake. In fact, I think the last time was in America. Real milk is quite expensive in Taiwan so their common ‘milk’ is pumped with preservatives taking away many good nutrients. Funny because I had the same case when in Spain, not drinking needing-to-be-refrigerated milk until back in Texas. And trust me, when I arrived back home I swigged a whole glass of pure deliciousness with tears nearly forming. I have a feeling that’ll be the same case when I return from Taiwan especially if cookies are on the side. ;P

Nothing special at high school. I did go power-walking/jogging today with lovely chilly weather. There was a breeze that would blow head on, gratefully cooling my sweat-coated face. It made exercising a lot easier because I didn’t notice an increased body temperature thanks to the contrasting climate, which didn’t make me feel as tired as hot conditions would have. Thanks fantastic cool weather! ^_^

To halt the annoyingness of earbud headphones slipping out when jogging, I bought clip on versions to remedy it. At first I had my doubts because they felt as if dangling from my ears and not having a firm hold plus the sound difference made me squirm a bit since not solidly planted in my ear. But surprisingly, it worked splendidly and I grew to quite like them for not-popping-out reasons and because my relatively new earbuds already have an irritating buzz in the left bud. Once they die (as I’m sure they will) gosh darn it I’ll spend a little extra money to get a brand that I know will last more than a month because these cheapo headphones are bogus! Ok, rant end. :P

You can probably guess what I did for the rest of the night. ;) Same thing as what I been doing in the evening when at home. Therefore I’ll bid y’all ado and look forward to seeing y’all next time! Take care now! ^_^

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