Tuesday, March 26, 2013

To A "Tea"

Tuesday March 26th, 2013

Do you recall the bothersome buzz in the left earbud of my headphones I mentioned yesterday? Well I can’t hear it anymore. Nope, it’s completely gone…along with all other sounds. Great, just great. That’s it! This is Thursday when I can buy new headphones, I’m am so going to spend extra money to get a brand I know will last me more than a month. Actually I checked to see how long these now broken ones lasted…a mere nineteen days. That’s pathetic. Hopefully my next investment will bring a good turnout. *fingers crossed*

In Chinese classes at Tatung, we had our first real lesson covering the completely new material in the second textbook of our series. It was refreshing to learn new stuff instead of reviewing as well as being taught from a different teacher’s style. The test I was supposed to have taken Friday (but Rotary interfered) was given to me as a take home test with only one hour allotted to work on it. I have yet to do it but it surprised me that I would be able to just take it home like that. No I’m not going to cheat on it but it just is surprising that’s all.

Finished “Uglies” today and returned it to the library while checking out the second book “Pretties.” Also a visit to the “Wellcome” (yes I spelled that correctly with two “l”s) store occurred to buy something something you’ll see momentarily. Afterwards I did the same routine as last, a fifteen-minute powerwalk one way and then retracing steps back to the house. Just a small but appreciated bit of exercise inserted in my day. Yay! ^_^

So this something something is a something I’ve grown to ironically like. These past couple of study nights have been accompanied with Lipton Tea packets to seep a lovely beverage for concentration. Yesterday I used my last (they were picked up from the hotel room for the last Rotary trip) and craved for more. Doing a bit of research I found that Lipton Green Tea has some good nutrition benefits therefore wanted to try it out. But at the “Wellcome” store there an extremely limited Lipton Tea selection boiling down to “Yellow Tea.” Sure there were other lesser known brands of green tea but most had 100 tea packets in one box. I only have 62 days left in Taiwan and probably won’t drink a cuppa everyday.

So I settled on this “Organic Comforting Tea With Lemon.” It claims to refresh you by sweetening your breath and promoting digestion but the main reason I bought it was for the lemon aspect. My throat mysteriously began to be irritated the moment I awoke. The whole day was spent wishing for relief, which the lemon was intended to help with. I'm not sure how much it helped but it tasted nice and felt good on my sore throat. Btw, the “I’ve grown to ironically like” tea above is because I used to despised tea when little because it seemed so painfully tasteless. Now look at me! Here I am wanting to drink a cup a day! What a change huh? XD

I’d like to take this moment to proudly announce…I HAVE FINALLY, OFFICIALLY AND WHOLLY CAUGHT UP ON MY TAFFY POSTS! BOOMSHAKALAKA! This is the first time in MONTHS that I wrote and posted the current day all in one fell swoop. Now THAT is an accomplishment! I’ll go celebrate with a cup of tea! XD

That’s it for today folks. Catch ya later!

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