Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Birdie Family Extension!

Monday February 25th, 2013

Breakfast was normal, I ate it happily and felt satisfied. I didn’t need anything else, drink or food. At the last second right as I was getting up from the table to put my plate away, host grandmother comes with a saucer that has a single nugget-sized food on it. This was the same dessert thing from last night but with a difference. Last night host father cooked it using a little oil. Today host grandmother cooked it her way (she didn’t like the way host father cooked it XD), which meant cooking with a whole bunch of oil. Host father compared her amount of oil to that of McDonald’s fries. …Oh geez. Due to the situation this morning/Taiwanese culture, you can’t turn down a food like that. I did not want it but if I didn’t eat it, most likely that would be an offense and disrespectful.

Remember how I ate two of host father’s creations and felt really full and slightly sick to my stomach from the dense sugar and rice? Well after eating one of host grandmother’s, I got the same feeling but to a greater extent. It wasn’t pretty. A retreat to 7-Eleven was in order to buy a Sprite in attempt to calm my upset stomach at University. I think taste of the dessert things are not bad but my stomach just can’t handle it. I fear that if I turn this food down for that reason it might be seen as rude. Hopefully not *fingers crossed*

See?! My Chinese isn’t bad! University teacher asked me if I wanted to move up to class B because I study very hard, am a good student, etc. With a bit of explaining, I declined the offer for the reason that I feel I learn more from her than my previous teacher (whom I would return to if I moved up classes). I’m just happy to know that she does see me in the light of a higher class. It’s a language skill confidence boost as well as something to tell any Rotarians if they ask why I’m in Class C rather than a higher class. Now I can say “because I want to be there” rather than my level of Chinese. Whoo! Cool stuff!

Lunch was eaten with Maxime and Shania at the University cafeteria. We all got our food from the small buffet where its cost is based upon the weight of your tray. It’s been MONTHS since I last ate its food. And it didn’t disappoint! Firstly the mushrooms were soooooo good. The pumpkin slices were mmm-hmm! Tofu and broccoli both were tasty. The chicken was quite similar to the American take on Chinese food (a.k.a. nummy!) It basically was supposed to be the healthiest food in a small quantity in order to balance the sugar overload in my stomach with veggie power! In some sense, success was achieved though not as impactful as I’d imagined.

A quick stop to the General Merchandise store before the subway contained a quest to find a lint roller. When I tried on the sheep hoodie purchased yesterday at home, I was wearing a black T-shirt. After taking the hoodie off, white speckled it from shoulders to navel, back and front. With minimal difficulty, Maxime found some hiding in the corner on the top (3rd) floor. Thank goodness because I was afraid that didn’t Taiwan sell such an item. I only bought a small one thinking I wouldn’t need even half of it by the end of my exchange. Back at home I began getting my black T-shirt lint free and working on the hoodie itself…fourteen sheets later and I could still get good amounts of lint off the hoodie inside. XD I guess the sheep theme suits it really well since both will shed all over you. XD

High school was normal, nothing exciting.

Collecting change of many 10NT coins over the past several days, I accumulated enough to revisit the birdie keychain gumball-type machine. My hopes were to get another bird of a different breed, a couple which are absolutely beautiful. Placing my coins in, I turned the knob and out popped a little plastic clear ball. Peering inside I see that it’s a parakeet, mostly yellow in color with dabs of green and white. Still having enough coins to go a second round, I did just that. Out popped a cockatiel of the same color I already possess. Ah shucks, no luck at getting different breeds. How ironic is it to get the exact same two breeds of what I already have? XD I’m still happy to have the little darlings and they’ll join in the birdie family. This is just proving more and more how much I love and want birdies, isn’t it?

Say hello to the wee little cuties! ^_^

That’s all folks! See ya tomorrow! Byes!

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