Saturday, March 2, 2013

PS3 Reunion!

Wednesday February 6th, 2013

It dawned upon me that I don’t have much time left before school rolls around again. In my mind I think it’s a month away but really it’s more like ten days. Oh snap! Even so there were no plans for today. It was a rest day, which I think was good considering I’m still a sickie.

For the most part naps and reading took up a lot of my time. Host mother was at work as usual and both host father and host grandmother went out to see a doctor. Michael was still there and he prepared lunch for the two of us. First half was noodles, which he went out and bought. Second half as a bit of pizza that he cooked at home. Very nice of him to do so and all throughout we had good conversation, mostly English (sorry) but I used as much Chinese as I could…a.k.a. not much. XD What?! Don’t judge! Deeper subjects than ‘the weather is good today’ is not yet compatible with my Chinese. Give me more time, jeez la weez. XD

Michael did have to leave after lunch but before he did…heheheheheeeee. He showed me how to set up the PS3 at the house. That’s right. PS3 baby! It’s been months since I’ve last touched a gaming console! The reunion of gamer-ness was through Devil May Cry 4. Whoo! A game that reeks of testosterone. There I was thinking I would play as the beloved Dante but instead ended up with a new character called Nero. This Nero is just as attractive as Dante (for obvious appearance/personality reasons) but then it got intense when both dudes were in the same room. Double the manliness! *swoons* :P

For those of you who know how I am when I play video games, I had fun being in an empty house and not have to muffle my reactions. A pleasant surprise was that some of my reactions were reflexively in Chinese! Things like “what?!” and “why?!” and a wee bit of “who are you?” It would be great if I knew the Chinese equivalent of “booya!” XD If only there was such a thing. :P

I didn’t play for too long, only about four missions, because I thought host father and grandmother would come home soon. She loves to watch TV, which is the reason I’ve never played the PS3 here yet. I rather be courteous and let her watch her beloved Taiwanese dramas.

Everyone came home late but host mother, father, grandmother and I had a nice little dinner together. It was nice because we sat down together and talked, which usually doesn’t happen especially since host mother comes late from work.

So no, not a lot happened today but I still consider it a good one. Rest and Dante/Nero. Good times! :D Night all!

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