Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sister Brother PS3 Co-op!

Thursday February 7th, 2013

Another day of no schedule so it turned into a rest day again. I find myself tired throughout the day still. Goodness me! I still haven’t finished my homework due to lack of energy and concentration. At least some progress was made. :P

As promised a couple days ago, Michael and I played a Co-op game on the PS3, Resident 5. It was both my first zombie game and shooter game. This chica wasn’t too shabby. ;) In fact she was good enough to live up to the saying, “Don’t mess with Texas.” The monsters that did mess with me found out why they shouldn’t have. XD Twas fun playing with Michael and I learned a few things about Chinese characters. He’s really cool and he answered my question whether or not Mandarin has an equivalent to “Booya.” Turns out there is no equivalent unless you’re ok with breaking out into cursing. XD

The other highlight of the day was a trip to Costco. It was mainly for foodstuffs but my host parents kindly bought me ‘Herbal Essences’ shampoo and conditioner. The supply I brought from America is dangerously low and I’ve only found them at Costco. I don’t mean to be picky in my choices but other shampoo and conditioner I’ve used in Taiwan haven’t been friendly to my hair. It’s my hair that is picky not me. XD

Host grandmother had a field day with making 'fa gao/fa duo' (a.k.a. bowl-cakes). There were trays and trays of the stuff cooling around the house. I think I can predict what we'll be eating in the near future. XD

That’s really it. Tomorrow should hold something more than these previous two days. We’ll see! Good night all!

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