Friday, March 8, 2013

Rotary Lunch Meeting & Flying Lanterns

Sunday February 17th, 2013

The day can be divided into three parts: Rotary meeting, flying lanterns and relentless waiting.

By Rotary meeting I mean a big get-together with my host father’s Rotary club (not mine). We had to drive a distance to a fair sized work building of a member. Here the meeting and a huge lunch were held. Piles upon piles of dishes were set out for everyone from stir-fry noodles to meat. Meat did dominate the meal by far. There was about a 1:10 ratio of vegetables to meat. XD

My brownie lunchboxes were taken quite well to my surprise. Since it was a triple chocolate Ghirardelli mix I thought it would be too sweet for Taiwanese because they don’t usually eat rich desserts. But they seemed to like it even though the texture was incorrect as it was more of a dense pudding than brownies. XD

The food was good. Two exchange students and I had to give a short speech about what we’ve done lately. After 4-5 hours there everyone left for a trip to Shifen, a place Rotary already took the exchange students for flying lanterns. On the way there my stomach reacted heavily and pain smashed into it. Even though I said I had medicine (Yay for Pepto-Bismo) I was still given a green Japanese medicine powder for stomach aches. No me gusta. I didn’t even eat half of the small packet down before I had to stop. It just didn’t agree with me.

Transportation to Shifen had to be done through the train system. Que hours and HOURS of waiting for the stinking train to come. Once it did we find out that its schedule randomly changed today and didn’t go to our desired destination. Therefore we had to go somewhere else to transfer trains. The second train was a nightmare come true. Imagined being squished into a small area with numerous people…now shoved ten more people in the room. That would be our transfer train. No room at all. And the extra people rammed in was not a lie either as that was one stop of determined-to-board-people.

Once finally at Shifen, we got off…walked…eventually found a cheap place for flying lanterns…wrote stuff on it…lit it…take off time. The sky was dim but not dark so it didn’t have the same effect as my previous experience. Coming here I thought we would see hundreds upon hundreds of lanterns being released into the sky all at once since it is close to the lantern festival but I was sorely mistaken. Oh well life goes on.

Beginning the process of writing on the lanterns with sharpies

My favorite part of my work. See the humor in it? Because it'll fly up high in the sky...and it wants a high five...haha...ha...haaaaa. XD

After that we were done. Time to wait for the train again. Get on a somewhat squished train but not nearly as bad as before. Get off at a station to transfer trains. Wait a while for the transfer train. Board a dreadful train as it mimicked the early squished conditions. Ride it for a really long time standing on aching feet. Eventually I do arrive home and dash for Tylenol and IcyHot Cream. Both feet and especially shoulders have been a pain for the past several days and refuse to go away. Throw in the still present stomachache and exhaustion from the day, Andrea is really not feeling well. I skipped dinner altogether in hopes of helping my stomach.

In conclusion, not much happened today, most of it was spent waiting (mostly for trains) and I don’t feel well at all (hence forgive my half hearted writing).

High school starts up again tomorrow…joy…(dripping with sarcasm). Night everyone. *process to pass out on bed*

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