Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Am I Back in Texas's Hurricane Season? XD

Tuesday March 5th, 2013

The morning can easily be summed up as passed out exhausted. I stayed awake for less than half of the first four hours of high school. These past several nights have been spent working early into the morning on a bunch of things I need to do. I didn’t want coffee today so I just chose to nap it out. Hopefully it’ll help in the long run. ;)

Happily the afternoon of today did have the second Chinese class at Tatung. We’re still reviewing past lessons but I think it’s a good refresher. I do look forward to when we learn new material though. I still need to speed learn about 3-4 lessons by myself to get on even ground with the other girls. Nothing to do is definitely not a problem, it’s just the being awake and fully functional that’s more of a challenge. XD

No working headphones led me to not being accompanied by my beloved iPod, traveling to and from school. Sadness! I hope I can find a good yet cheap replacement soon. Something I did notice was how scarily quiet it is on the subway despite there being hundreds of people. It’s like a massive version of the quiet game from elementary school. XD

Tis a cold night, a cold night indeed. One must equip themselves with a sweater and nice cup of hot tea to work on through the night. Not sure if it’s the same taste in America but the Lipton Classic Jasmine is nice. A nice substitute for something a bit different.

Keep warm my peeps. Peace out!

P.S. I wrote this Taffy early in the evening and something unexpected happened afterwards. Doing work on my laptop, all of a sudden the whole house’s lights go out along with the Internet. Of course I was thoroughly confused because there’s no storm around to affect the power like that. But in walked my host father who explained that the power would be shut off from 11:00PM to 5:00AM for maintenance. So here I currently am with only a flashlight to beam its brightness in my room. Interesting turn of events, no? It feels like I’m back in Texas during hurricane season’s power-outs. XD


  1. hmm, you should look into getting vitamins, especially B12, which is a great energy booster without the sugar/caffeine crash=P Supplements would be easiest, but most green veggies and fruits like blueberries and apples have a lot of this wakefulness substance:)

  2. Thanks for the advice chica! I eat veggies every opportunity that comes my way but fruit isn't as common in my house. Apples can be expensive and blueberries are not common at all. I do miss my blueberries. And my apples. And my fruit smoothie. T-T

  3. Fish(including oysters and octupus), cheese, and eggs also have b vitamins.
