Saturday, March 2, 2013

Market Filled With New Foods!

Monday February 4th, 2013

First off I’ll give you a quick run down of today. Host father and I took host grandmother to the doctor for medicine, then the three of us took a 50-minute bus ride to a Chinese market, ate lunch, took the bus home, I had a 3-4 hour nap, dinner and various work stuff on laptop. And yes I’m still sick, which is probably why I felt tired enough for that ridiculously long nap. But with that summary I shall now enlarge the Chinese market point to a greater degree of detail.

This market was predominately for buying things in preparation for the coming Chinese New Year, basically food stuffs. Pictures will have to do most of the talking. So, here we go!

BRIGHTNESS! Decorations available for purchase are hanging, all of course in the lucky color of red. Then there were boxes and boxes of various candies just like these throughout the entire market. All very colorful, huh?

This lady gave out samples for some sort of drink. Apparently one was called “Dragon’s Eye” and was very sweet. Quite delectable! One of the many samples you can taste in this market. The tasty sample led my host father to purchasing two bags of the stuff. Yummy!

Beautiful…absolutely beautiful! Egg tart pyramid of deliciousness! And a concealed pineapple cake pyramid in the back as well! Yet another stand we purchased goods from. These egg tarts were quite good, probably one of the best I’ve had in Taiwan so far. The ones I’ve had in Texas still take the gold though. :P

At first I thought these were dried tomatoes but no ho-ho-ho! They are dried persimmons. A taste of the sample given by a lady and two were bought because they were very delicious. Mmm-mmm!

These little balls are quite interesting. They are called ‘ma lao’ and are basically made from rice. Each color is a different flavor, from sesame seed to strawberry to wasabi. I’ve never seen anything like them before today so this concept is new to me.

Some weird hybrid between fruit and nut, these are called dragon’s eyes. You crack open the shell to gnaw on a seed that is coated with fruit almost like a raisin. You don’t eat the seed though so you essentially suck the fruit off. Not bad but it’s a little too hard for me to eat from my lack of skills. XD

‘Xiao mi su’ are what these little doo-hickeys are called. It’s basically hard flavored rice in a bar. These came from Japan apparently and had flavors like taro, wasabi, potato and such. Also a new food for me.

The market was filled with new sights and smells for me, all intriguing in their own way. The sellers would swarm at the sight of a new customer. Those of whom knew English would use as much as they could to get a sale. The girl selling ma lao was quite good in marketing her product in English. When I complimented her in Chinese over this fact she made such a cute noise as a reaction. ^_^

One purchase we made was at a dried fruit stand. I remember once having dried banana and a couple other fruits in America and disliking it hence why I never bothered to associate myself with the stuff except for raisins. Yet when I tried various samples of dried fruit at this market, I’ve come to find I quite enjoy it! It is so good! We filled a bag with numerous types of dried food from small tomatoes, carrots, bananas, apples(love!), pineapple and one called jackfruit. I’ve never heard of jackfruit before but I sure like it dried! :D

As a whole the market trip was really fun and eye opening. I would love to try all the different and new foods available there. All were fascinating!

For lunch we stopped at a little local restaurant. Host father ordered several dishes and we shared between the three of us. Don’t worry we had separate bowls to eat from. I’m still sick so it’s a requirement more so than usual.

A sour soup with vegetables and pig’s blood included. It was a little too sour for me but still good to try.

This was a roll with beef, onion and a cucumber inside. Nummy.

A millet soup. It looks creamy but it was actually more grainy. You can add sugar in it to make it sweet if so desired though I kept mine plain.

A dish of thick sliced noodles with veggies and meat. Good stuff.

Not much else happened today considering most of the remaining time was spent unconscious on the bus and back at home. So I bid y’all farewell! Byes!

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