Sunday, March 31, 2013


Sunday March 31st, 2013

HAPPY EASTER! HE HAS RISEN! :D Not only is today a merry holiday but alsooooooo CHURCH! Wow, it’s been over a month since I’ve last gone to church thanks to so many other activities interfering. Actually I had the second day of the promote-fun-market-thingie today, which would’ve prevented me yet again from attending church. In the end, I ditched it both for Easter reasons and I would’ve wasted over four hours total on transportation just to attend something lasting less than half an hour. So not worth it.

Everything about church was indeed worth it and more! To start off, a small group of church friends gathered together in front of ‘Oma’s German Bakery’ for a breakfast picnic. I’ve been to Oma’s before and quite enjoyed their treats but it relocated around the corner to a much nicer and bigger facility. The old shop was very small and compact but this new one is open, has new baskets/trays for customers and even has a glass wall for their bakery room so people can walk by on the street and see the pastries being created. It was quite impressive!

When I arrived at 9:00, only Akiko was sitting outside the bakery on a bench with everyone else running either a tad late or really late. With my tum-tum rumbling and being courteous to buy something if using their facilities, I ducked inside to buy a small appetizer before the main meal. Also because I was curious to try something new from their new building! ;D

For $35NT (a little over a US buck) I purchased a coconut bull’s-eye with raspberry jam. My main incentive for this particular pastry was to try something with coconut. Remember how I’ve mentioned there are so many foods I hated as a kid but now love? Ex. Pineapple, tea, coffee, salad, fish and more. Well coconut was among my dislikes as a child. So I was curious whether coconut was still an enemy or wanting to be friends with my matured taste buds. What is y’alls prediction?

The treat is just a small circular pastry, almost like a tart. The jam is situated in a little crevice on top with coconut speckled around the border. I think it must have been melted or baked into the surface of the bread because I don’t think it was actually part of the bread. As for the main body, I can’t quite recall its characteristics but I believe it to be lightly sweetened and fluffy.

So did I like this coconut bull’s-eye? As a matter of fact, I thought it was DELICIOUS! The coconut aspect was very delicate instead of boasting its flavor brashly. Therefore I can’t confirm that I’m a fan of coconut yet but it indeed has redeemed itself splendidly. I wouldn’t mind another. XD

Our little Easter breakfast picnic church group! This was such a delightful meal! Everyone brought something tasty to share, Nature Valley Fruit & Nut Bars by me. There was nummy fruit of apples and bananas (*briefly sings the ‘Apples & Bananas’ song* XD), boiled eggs, small Taiwanese breakfast items, bread, spreadable cheese and Nutella. It was all so wonderful! We all went to town with the selection! I enjoyed the healthy bits while also indulging in the Nutella and bread. Twas the biggest breakfast/brunch I’ve had in awhile but also the loveliest for food and friend reasons. ^_^

Will had some Dutch Easter egg stickers sent to her and Akiko provided the boiled eggs! Commence Easter egg decorating! :D

My wittle egg! Simple but cute, no? The chickie’s name is Gilbird! (Hetalia Prussia reference ;P) His eggshell didn’t stay in tact for long though. XD This was actually my first time to eat an Easter egg. As a kid, I only decorated them and left the consuming to my parents. My stubborn mind only accepted scrambled eggs, not boiled. Thanks to Taiwan for making me realize how much I love eggs, no matter their form, I went and tried an Easter egg. Loved it! Actually I’ve eaten and loved many a boiled egg in Taiwan before but none of them were Easter eggs *eyebrow wiggle* ;P. Now I know something I’ll be eating in America for sure come next Easter! ;D

This was an interesting addition to the breakfast. These are either German or Dutch chocolate sprinkles meant to be dumped on top of bread. Seriously, just take a slice of bread and unload it generously right on top. I only tried it on a small section of bread but thought it was pretty good. The sprinkles themselves are what make the combo special, being more chocolaty rather than that confectioner sugar tasting sprinkles. Also Nutella and bananas go well with these European sprinkles too.

Though Kelly’s birthday was last week, today we gave her present from all the exchange students at the church to her. First we sang an international compilation of the birthday song to her. We had English, Chinese, German, Danish, Spanish and French. Will strangely couldn’t remember the Dutch version and the Danish song (sung by Clara whose the blond German on the back right) was COMPLETELY different. Afterwards Kelly unwrapped a gorgeous newspaper wrapping to reveal a big book over Chinese history. :P She quite liked the book and even though protested on singing so many versions of the song (twice each version because Leo forgot to press the camera record button the first time) secretly must have enjoyed it too. Yay for our good friend Kelly! :D

Btw, here’s a link if you want to hear the Danish birthday song. It’s quite interesting so check it out!

Once we cleaned up the table with our bellies full and happy, twas time for the church service. It was wonderful as always but seemed extra special just because it was Easter as well as being a long due visit on my part. Hopefully my attendance will be much less spaced apart, fingers crossed! ;D

Though nearly 1:30PM, hunger wasn’t bothering me in the slightest thanks to such a big breakfast but I don’t like skipping meals for nutritional reasons. Therefore I stopped by 7-Eleven and picked up a small onigiri to take home for lunch. Something not heavy and was also on my list of things to eat before leaving Taiwan. I recall having 7-Eleven’s type (the only kind I’ve have) once before but that was in my wee beginning days in this country and remember little to nothing about it. So it got another shot today!

A photo reference of a main course food section at 7-Eleven. There’s sandwiches, onigiri, rice sandwich, hamburgers, sushi rolls, bananas and bian dan.

One difference from my previous 7-Eleven onigiri experience is that I could understand the Chinese characters on the package to know what I was eating ahead of time. Yay! The previous time was a blind stab in the dark. With my knowledge, I chose a pork onigiri. Yes, I know onigiri is the Japanese name and not the Chinese but it’s nice and simple to use. So bear with me. :P

This style of onigiri is a triangle of rice with pork filling stuffed inside wrapped in a rectangular seaweed sheet. See how the folds are a little askew? That’s because of covering triangle with a rectangle. Tastes all the same though. XD

The inside. It was mostly rice with a little filling but still was good. The saltiness of the seaweed complimented the rice really well. I don’t really like plain white rice but with the added saltiness, it became tasty. You can even see the white salt against the green seaweed. Overall yummy and a once-in-a-while food.

Following the onigiri at home, it was time for a shower and nap. Host grandmother woke me up for dinner to which I emerged out of my room into a room filled with people. Funny how I never know when we’re having guests over. XD I think they were relatives of some sort, numbering around six or so people compacted together in the front room. Dinner was the Asian version of a tortilla. You need two really thin, soft tortillas and place them on top of one other being slightly askew. Then you place a spoonful of sugar peanut dust on the tortillas followed by the various other ingredients from vegetables to tofu to meat. It’s a good, tasty food.

Easter Skype with my family and staying up until the wee hours of my morning doing stuff. That’ll be my day! Hope yours is a blessing and filled with nummy chocolate Easter bunnies and scrumptious chocolate Easter eggs! ^_^

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