Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Asian Pudding Tasting!

Thursday March 7th, 2013

*sigh* Man this is a hard post to write. I’m just so tired. To get even started I had to kick myself out of laying in bed. So let’s make it nice and quick.

University Chinese class. Whoop. Lunch with Maxime eating the same three different small buns and soymilk as Monday. Yummy. Stopped by the General Merchandise store to get some needed items one of them being headphone earbuds. Though they only cost roughly $3.3US I hoped they would be a good enough replacement. I was wrong. Either something is wrong with my iPod or I am not having earbud luck. But then again, I guess that’s what you should expect when buying such a cheap one.

Snoozeled for one class at high school then had P.E. class. Right after that was martial arts club. Just to highlight, that’s three hours straight of physical activity when already tired beforehand. Do you see now why I’m feeling dead tired?

One unique thing did occur today. I finally tried something I’ve had my eye on ever since I first came to Taiwan (that’s over a six-month time period). I’ve seen it being positively depicted in a manga before so I was curious and finally gave in today and bought one. Why the six-month wait? Not wanting to gain weight reasons. At this point I’m giving myself a little more leeway so I can try new Asian things before I return to America.

Tada! Pudding! As you can see there are two different areas, the yellow and the brown. I can’t put a finger on what the flavors are so I tried researching it. The only romanized name I came up with is ‘Pucchin Pudding’ which is a Japanese product. The one I bought is different because it’s the Taiwanese equivalent. Either way I can’t find anything on the Internet describing the correct flavor. Best I can guess is a light vanilla taste for the yellow and either a coffee or nut for the brown.

For the yellow part it had a really, really light flavor and had me searching for the taste. The brown is stronger but has the strength wasn’t necessarily pungent because it just seemed greater compared to the yellow. Overall it was good and I liked it but didn’t capture my heart. I think I would’ve preferred the yellow pudding having a bit more flare considering that was basically 90% of the treat. Yay for finally sampling it! Yet another food to try checked off my list!

Not feeling so hot so here’s to hoping tomorrow is better! Cheers everyone! :)

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