Friday, March 29, 2013

Telephone: Chinese Character Style!

Friday March 29th, 2013

An unpleasant tickle in the back of my throat is still present and bothering me. Therefore I decided to stop by Tatung’s Hi-Life convenient store and pick up a refreshing can of kumquat tea. That was the plan anyway. Remember how yesterday’s 7-Eleven lacked that warm drink box hence not containing any kumquat tea? Well Hi-Life indeed had the warm drink box…but absolutely no kumquat tea… NOOOOOOOOO! WHY?!!!!!! That is positively the only warm drink with healing properties offered yet not one single can could be found…for the second day in a row! WHAT UP WITH THIS?!

In the same case to keep the different drink cans warm there also was coffee and some unknown soups. Neither fit my requirements but I considered getting a peanut soup can just to have something heated soothe my irritation. One look at the calories and it went straight back in the case. Geez, was that really made out of peanuts or mostly sugar? *sigh* Where’s kumquat tea when you need it? Here’s the thing. Though convenient stores are indeed convenient, they can unfortunately be poorly stocked. I’ve come across this problem many times with this same Hi-Life. Tis a shame. :(

Skipping forward to the end of Tatung Chinese class, we played a new game introduced to us by teacher. It’s the Chinese character version of telephone! Teacher started by showing the beginning person a Chinese character. The person then had to draw it on the back of the person standing in front of them. This chain reaction passed down the line until the final person wrote on the board what they thought the character was. Not as easy as it may seem. ;) There were some really interesting results that raised eyebrows thinking ‘how the heck did it turn up like that?’ XD It’s 20x harder than normal telephone! But that makes it 20x more fun and entertaining! ;D

Leaving school the sky was dark and leaking, making me grateful I brought an umbrella. With the rain came my planned exercise at the elementary school being snatched away. Even if it stopped coming down, the track would still be wet. Combining that with my worn down shoes non-grippy shoes, it would be more like a dangerous potential slip ‘n slide. Risking a twisted limb or broken bone is so not worth burning several calories for.

Today I finished reading ‘Pretties’ and eagerly went to the library to check out the final volume, ‘Specials.’ Man this is a good series, one that wracks the brain, gets you emotionally involved and has a distinct contemplative effect on the reader. Brilliant stuff! ;D Don’t worry, I won’t give out any spoilers. :P

At the dinner table, this dish was set out as a dessert. Yet another version of a previously consumed sweet that can go by the name of ‘hong gui,’ ‘an gu’ or even ‘mi gu.’ Lots of titles for the same thing. In a nutshell, it’s glutinous rice flour with red bean filling. Though in a different form (strange with a green leaf on the bottom) it tasted the same to me. I’m not too fond of the glutinous rice part since it doesn't taste like anything to me but I do enjoy the red bean part.

It’s Good Friday everyone! Hope your day was wonderful and if you’re a Christian, took a moment to remember our Lord’s sacrifice of ultimate love. Have a good night my peeps! ^_^


  1. Just caught up with all your posts~ Baylor's stupid system apparently blocks you blog so I have to read whenever I'm home -.-

    Sounds like you're having a fantastic time! Can't wait to see you again, but enjoy all your time left in Taiwan! :D

    1. How dare you Balyor! They shouldn't block it! My blog has educational elements about Taiwan after all. ;)

      Looking forward to seeing you as well! We need an epic reunion bash! ;D
