Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Power of a Motochika Bookmark!

Wednesday February 20th, 2013

A beloved cheese, egg toast sandwich for breakfast made by host grandmother. You’ve seen/heard of this before I know. Nonetheless I love it so much that it calls for another picture! It’s something I definitely would like to make when in America. The egg is easily enough, just fry it in a pan. The other two components are trickier. Square cheese not a problem…that is if I can figure out what the heck type of cheese it is. XD Which *ahem* I haven’t been successful with. America cheese maybe? I don’t know. The bread is uncommon to me but very well may exist in abundance that the local American grocery store. Notice how it’s squared shape? Well I’m used to mushroom shape (square bottom but curved top). Overall the goal is just to recreate its taste again by experimenting with difference ingredients. Breakfast toast sandwich rant end. :P

Canned coffee morning! It’s been, what, a month? Nice to taste you again. Its reason for purchase was both for tasting and caffeine assistance. One, I had library book entertainment and would rather read than struggle through sleep. Two, sleeping at school is unpleasant because it causes back and neck pains from hunching over on the desk as well as stomach pains from being squished together for such a long time. Yep, a cup/can of coffee now and then is good helping friend. ^_^

So the book! I began with “Peeps” by Scott Westerfield and read for the entire day. Oh my holy guacamole! THIS IS FANTASTIC! That comes from both a severe lack of fiction reading and being a well-written work. Also, the writer is Texas much to my surprise and pleasure. YEE-HAW TEXAS! :D If I say this book is about vampires, does your mind bring up the Twilight file? What if I say this book is about parasites and viruses? Now combine the two! What do you get? Peeps! Cute name huh? The book cover ain’t so cute though, not with yellow eyes blazing a hole into your soul with white skin surrounding it. XD But yes, this book is fascinating! It can be disturbing as to be expected when talking about parasites but is so well done. The chapters follow a pattern all the way through the book. One chapter is the story, the next is a little lesson over a parasite or virus, then back to the story, then how little microscopic buggers could kill us, more plot, oh this parasite can actually be helpful, etc. Sounds intriguing, no? Well it is! All day I was clutching the book, not once getting bored and nearly finishing expected for maybe a remaining seventh fraction. No spoilers will come from my mouth/typing fingers but I recommend reading this book!

Did I ever mention the “Pirates” book I borrowed? The beginning was captivating as it throws so much foreshadowing at you and then your mind brainstorms what each to spiral into. My brainstorming was a lot more interesting than the entire second half of the book. Seriously, so much dark foreshadowing of something terrible to happen ends up being a one page quick solution that leaves you saying, “…that’s it?!” Hence why I’m so pleased with “Peeps” because so far it’s been interesting and not letting me down as the other book did. Ok, book rant done. :P

Hehe, my classmate made me happy! We had a seat change for the second semester and I’m now by a girl whom I’m acquainted with, is very nice and is brave enough to talk to me (remember, most Taiwanese are like super shy when it comes to foreigners). She asked me how to pronounce a couple English words in her textbook and I helped her sound them out. I just love it when they ask me for English help because I really want to assist them in anyway I can. So yay! ^_^

Brought from America, I used a homemade bookmark of a beloved character named Motochika to hold my place in “Peeps.” A classmate noticed this and recognized him surprised I watched anime. At her recognition my attention was captured in amazement at someone knowing my favorite anime “Sengoku Basara.” See, it’s not very popular in any country but I adore it. So meeting a fellow fan is exciting! This girl asked if she could borrow it later. Confused but happy to share the Basara-ness, I agreed happily. To be continued… ;D

Goodness have I got a hankering for night market stinky tofu! That’s not easily accessible for me so I took the alternative route. Lunch today was bought at the B1 floor cafeteria in the buffet line, which offered a hunk of stinky tofu. Though not really stinky it was nonetheless delicious. An egg, a couple of sweet potato fries and veggies enhanced the lunch even more. Yummyness!

My class had P.E. yet again today and yet again I played basketball with some fellow chica classmates. We were supposed to run but for some reason was postponed until next week. Gosh darn it! I specifically chose my (normal) clothes today just for that reason! Oh well, the basketball was just as fun and bondful as yesterday. Andrea really likes! ^_^

The Motochika bookmark subject returns! What happened was the classmate who asked to borrow it brought her friend from another class to see it. Once I showed it to her, I done found myself another Sengoku Basara fan! DOUBLE SCORE IN ONE DAY! That’s a record by the way! I’ve only been a converter to the show and not someone who runs across other fans. There’s excitement in that aspect but also knowing there’s something these girls and I can bond with. No I don’t think our love for the show is on the same level (mine is above and beyond XD) but we all like watching anime. It’s a future connection maker therefore a friend maker! Whoo-hoo! I’m so glad I used my beloved bookmark otherwise this would’ve never happened. Thank you Motochika! ^_^

On Wednesdays we have a two-hour class at the end of the day that’s supposed to be an elective. The exchange students don’t get to chose the class but rather go where we’re assigned. The choice doesn’t matter because we only attend half of it then are released early. Last semester I was in a class for a game creator/animation program called “Scratch.” After a month of unsuccessfulness, I gave up on trying to learn because it was taught in Chinese (couldn’t understand), would never see the program again in my life, missed half the class every time and wasn’t exactly Dreamworks quality if you get my drift. Second semester holds yet another computer class but for something unknown. I think it’s a software called “ez-8+” and looks very strange. The whole hour was spent logging on and creating an account for some purpose I don’t know. Why so long? Because it took fooooooooreverrrrrrr to load even a single page. In all seriousness it took several minutes for one page to load even for just getting on the Google main page. Yeah, that slow. The teacher even was saying how slow it was who was a man I haven’t seen before btw. He seems nice but smells of cigarettes. That’s only a first impression. Other days will have to prove or disprove that. That is, if I have this class anymore.

FYI, we (the exchange students at my high school) are scheduling to hire a Chinese teacher to come and give lessons to us perhaps three days a week in the afternoon. We are doing this because we want to learn more and the exchange students not in my district don’t have University class this semester. They ran through book one in one semester while my district is covering the same material in two semesters. I wouldn’t say if one is better than the other because one may cover more but may not be as in depth as the other. Either way we want to learn more and therefore shall pay to have a teacher come. We’re just not positive what days and when that’ll be, hence explaining the previous paragraph’s last sentence.

It’s been awhile since I’ve last shown a picture of the day’s dinner eaten at my host family’s house. Well here ya go! That dish on the left is a hot pot and quite tasty. I think the components are bought prepared and you easily just boil them. My favorite is the white ball, which contains fish eggs inside. Quite tasty as is everything else.

I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! My return flight has now been set in stone after waiting weeks for Taiwan Rotary to debate and give me permission to depart on a requested date. Though a month earlier than usual, my feet shall lift off this country on May 27th! I asked for such an early date because my sister’s college graduation takes place on June 1st, which I wouldn’t miss for the world. Factor in flight time, a day or two of rest from jetlag then driving to Georgia, May 27th is the latest I can stay in Taiwan.

With that being said that only gives me three months left in my exchange. That’s like being hit in the head with a hammer. It’s going to fly by! There’s still a lot left on my to-do list. Some of that includes food I’ve been ignoring due to trying to stay thin. That dream was shattered as my round belly now proves. I’ve excepted that my digestive system just can’t metabolize Taiwan food nearly as well as the Taiwanese and therefore stores fat up the wazoo even when eating half the amount of food or healthier choices than the locals. I’ll whip my body back into shape in America where exercise resources are easily accessible and plentiful. That doesn’t mean I’ve lost any care for limiting weight gain because that’s certainly not the case. What it does mean is that I’ll give some controlled leeway for foods not available in America that I would like to try. So you will be seeing more new foods adventurously tasted very soon and more frequently than before. This’ll be fun! :D

Starting with this! A “Kinder Joy”/Kinder egg. For those who don’t know what Kinder chocolate is…oh my gosh convert NOW! This stuff is sha-mazing! Seriously! (I recommend Kinder Bueno Bars for first timers) Totally oblivious to what this Kinder dessert egg thing was, it became my experiment for the night.  First it opens in half with each section being sealed in plastic. There’s a side with “Kinder” all over it, which will be the sweet scrumptious side. The other side is covered in “?” That’s sure what I felt like when lifting the plastic. Inside of chocolate it was a crappy cheap toy. Hey! I wanted kinder chocolate dude! What the heck? XD Ah, I suppose it was a good thing since it limited calories. :P

Concerning the consumable half, a thin milk chocolate laid at the bottom coated in white chocolate and topped with two balls. The balls are very hard to explain as are the ingenious invention of Kinder’s flavor. There’s like a wonderful combination of crunchy wafer, chocolate (or caramel) filling and hard shell with sprinkles embedded in. Really, really good stuff. Though personally I prefer Kinder Buenos. ;) I’m happy to finally try Kinder Joys that have been staring at my face every time I walk into a convenient store. XD

Last but not least of the night is mass ripping of aboriginal CDs. My host family bought a bunch during the performance at Sun Moon Lake (my aboriginal dancing debut :P) and leant me them. One CD stood out to me above them all, which happened to the only one specifically of the same performers at Sun Moon Lake. My tribe! :D It had a little book with pictures, lyrics and everything. And I guess whose picture was included? My favorite guy of the group, Mr. Dolled-Up-In-an-AWESOME-tassel-drenched-outfit! He looks so different without the colorful, swishy gloriousness but still handsome. The dude I hugged was also in the book. That whole book just brought smiles left and right out from me. Ahhhh, I miss my tribe. XD

That’ll be all for tonight. Sweet dreams everyone! Nighty-night! 

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