Monday March 11th, 2013
University was difficult today, not because of content but
because of having to consistently fight sleep. The class has been on the same
lesson for nearly two weeks now so it’s not like that material was new or hard.
Closed eyes was the real enemy!
Eaten at Laya Burger with Maxime, I tried a new food called
a “vegetable and chicken egg pie.” The “pie” part does not mean a chicken
potpie but rather a moist Asian tortilla wrapped up like a roll. It’s an Asian
burrito essentially. I must say that it was quite delicious! There was a hint
of honey mustard, which gave it a fantastic kick of zest. This food gets my
thumbs up for sure! I think I may have to attempt to recreate it (Chinese name:
‘dan bing’) back in America. ;)
Arriving a tad early at high school, I looked forward to
having a nice, needed, restful nap. As I signed in, Redy (one lady in charge of
exchange students) said that Rike (the German exchange student) brought her
visiting biological mother to Tatung for lunch with the other exchange students
and said I could join them. And so I did but the trade off was missing naptime.
No big deal because I could catch up in class later.
After our chit-chatting and back to classes, I spent the
full first hour of chemistry class passed out and as I noticed, wasn’t the only
student to do so. Once the class ended I just begun to wake up when the
homeroom/English teacher approached me and asked if I would come with her to a
nearby class. Her next English class had an English project that I helped with
last semester by having a culture discussion about shopping in Taiwan and
America. She wanted me to listen to it as well as answer any questions the
class may have. So that’ll be two whole hours of something I had no previous
knowledge of on a day that sleep has not been in abundance for me. I was
surprised and unprepared to say the least. XD Nonetheless I agreed and went
full of curiosity.
Turns out it was a really fun time! This class of students
were different from my own. The students were a lot more open and courageous to
talk to me compared to others. They showered me in questions, which I answered
all happily in 90% Chinese. Some were normal like “what kind of sports do you
play?” to odder ones like “can you sing your national anthem?” Up until I
reached the high part, I indeed patriotically sang the Star-Spangled Banner
followed up with the class singing the Taiwanese national anthem in unison.
It’s a lot slower and calmer than America’s but still interesting to listen to.
Here’s a link with lyrics:
It looks as if I’ll get involved in several more projects
with this class. I think it shall be a great experience filled with
opportunities to make new friends! Yay! ^_^
Yesterday I asked Michael if he knew of any good jogging
places around the house like a park or a trial. Since I can’t go to the gym by
myself (address on Visa problem) and am in desperate need of exercise, I wanted
another method to exercise close by. Apart from obvious weight gain, exercise
is required from a lack of it hence me feeling more tired and having trouble
concentrating often. Therefore Michael suggested the elementary school’s track
field nearby. …PERFECT!
After dinner host father led me to the place and let me jog
for a bit. Good Lordie it was wonderful! Cool weather, running forward as
opposed to a treadmill and energetic music is da bomb! ;D Though I felt the extent
of my out-of-shape-ness and realized my decrease in stamina. But I shall amend
that with this lovely track so close to my house! I plan on filling my future
often with it. ;D
A quick walk around a research facility that looks like a
college called “Academia Sinica” and we headed home. Shower, needed nap and
work. My day folks! Hope yours was swell! Take care now! ^_^
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