Saturday, March 2, 2013

First Foot Massage Ever & Delicious MEXICAN FOOD!

Friday February 8th, 2013

Hello schedule! You’re a sight for sore eyes! Come in, come in! Don’t be shy! What’s that? 4:00PM at Taipei City Hall MRT station? Uh-huh…uh-huh…with Akiko and Kelly? Alright! Let’s do this!

We began with something I’ve wanted to try out in Taiwan for quite a while. A Taiwanese foot massage! They are advertised as a top thing to do when visiting Taipei so I assumed they would be pretty good. There are hundreds of massaging places so picking one was kinda like a shot in the dark. Akiko had been to one before but both Kelly and I had never, ever gotten massages at a paid facility.

Thankfully at the time we arrived the place didn’t have too many people so the waiting period was relativity short. It looked like a nice facility, clean and efficient. In the front, cheap slippers were given to us to wear both as a cleanliness reason and of course because we are in Asia. ;) Then we were bade to change from jeans to provided short baggy pants that assisted in the foot massage. The foot massage includes the legs also so long jeans make it difficult to do so.

All three of us chose the foot and shoulder massage that was said to last forty minutes costing $400NT. Yet the same treatment for seventy minutes cost $800. See the imbalance of prices? It would be better to just get the forty-minute massage twice for cheaper! XD

Anywho, each massage began and ended differently for all of us. Kelly skipped soaking her feet in hot water and went straight to the foot massage. Akiko and I on the other hand did partake in the hot water footbath. It’s as simple as the name suggests. Just stick your feet in a tub of hot water. Akiko had a bonus of a shoulder massage during it, though not much to her liking. It was too light for her even when she asked the lady to massage harder. I on the other hand got no treatment of the sort. Sadness.

Next Akiko and I were shown to the same place as Kelly, large padded lounge chairs with foot rests. This would be the massaging station. The employees begin with covering the lower half of your body in towels. It was ridiculous how many towels they had placed on us! One for your feet, one on your pelvis and then a random little one on the thighs. After asking Kelly later, she said it probably was for privacy reasons. I understand if we were naked but that wasn’t the case because the baggy pants covered up the private parts.

Kelly had a guy that seemed to really know what he was doing, apparently having ten years of massage experience. He claimed to know what kind of things you eat or what your activities are just by feeling your leg/body. Things like, you eat a lot of carbohydrates or you walk a lot. Based on Kelly’s expressions he wasn’t soft in his techniques but not death-like hard.

Akiko on the other hand had a woman working on her, the same one that did her shoulders, and really didn’t like it. Her massaging was too soft even when asked to increase the strength. Therefore Akiko asked to have another person, which resulted in getting Kelly’s guy after he was finished. The dude didn’t go easy on Akiko. XD It seemed he focused more on technique than strength but of course not going light. Akiko’s face cringed now and then proving he was doing a good job of triggering pain, the good kind.

Onto my experience! My first foot massage ever! I was excited and had high expectations, also predicting I would be a tad of a pansy from being kneaded unforgivingly. XD Real life ended up with a very calm Andrea that rarely winced from pain. The trouble spots were the dead center column of the foot and a small part of the lower leg. Other than that, no pain.

The process basically follows putting a butt-load of white cream on your leg to prevent friction from massaging. Actually my person but a butt-load of cream on but Kelly and Akiko’s guy barely used any. They’ll work on one foot/leg, move to the other, wrap hot towels around each for a while and then wipe off any excess cream. Afterwards you sit upright on the footstool for the shoulder massage.

The lady who worked on me would ask, “does this hurt,” which I replied “no.” Later she asked, “do you want it harder” and I said “yes.” In my mind I was thinking ‘CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!’ Truthfully she didn’t change her pressure at all. Throughout the whole ordeal it was pretty light. I felt duped because here Kelly and Akiko sat getting massaged by a really good guy who knew where and how to attack trouble spots. Instead I get a lady who did an average job that didn’t satisfy me. Even with the shoulder massage I so looked forward to, I wasn’t at all impressed. In my opinion, you need to be laying down for a truly good shoulder massage. The whole time I had to fight her all tensed up in order to stay upright and not be pushed forward to my knees. You need to be relaxed and even if I was, she focused more on the bony part of the shoulder blades rather than trouble spots nearer to the neck and shoulders. I know what a good shoulder/back massages are thanks to my American Mom and today’s was nowhere even close to her league. Shout out to my Mom! I miss your wonderful massages and crave them! :D

Overall, I was not pleased with the massage trip. It just felt so lackluster. Kelly even told me later that my person seemed inexperienced and afraid. Oh well, I’m glad I at least tried it once in Taiwan.

After it was all said and done, we united with Leo and took Akiko to the MRT for a previous engagement of hers. So the lovebirds and I went in search of dinner. At first we saw a cheap looking noodle place but vouched to keep exploring. We’re all glad we did because one restaurant popped up with a friendly, familiar looking atmosphere. Luminescent lights, sprinkles of sombreros and a green-white-red flag hanging up proudly. We done gone found ourselves a Mexican joint called ‘Amigo’! AYYYYYY(roll your tongue continuously)YYYYYYY-YA!

I can’t remember the last time I ate Mexican food! Not in Taiwan for sure so it was sometime in the States. Regardless you get my point of how long I’ve gone without it. ;P A craving for quesadillas led me to order just that. I was a little suspicious from the picture on the menu because the tortilla looked plain white and not that beautiful golden color from cooking it. Nevertheless, I braved through it and also ordered a strawberry yogurt smoothie.

So! The quesadillas…first bite set in stone my feelings towards this place. A long paused took place after the first bite for chewing and rolling around the flavors and texture. I got my craving fixed all right and savored the creation. IT WAS PERFECT! The tortilla! The cheese! The chicken! All flipping FANTASTIC! They didn’t skimp on the cheese (thank goodness!) and it had good amount of meat. Surprisingly the tortilla was wonderfully different from my prediction. It was golden and crispy from being cooked to perfection! This competes with quesadillas back in Texas! Though Tex-Mex still wins because of the unlimited chips and the tasty salsa. ;P

A difference in eating method came with dipping the quesadilla in a bowl of sauce, either a red salsa or unknown white and green cream. This is something new to me because I knew of guacamole back in Texas but not dipping in these kinds of sauces. They were both tasty in their unique ways. The red salsa was not hot but still had a faint nudge of spicy. The other was perhaps sour cream with a sweet green sauce of something. Once the green sauce ran out I didn’t bother using anymore because the white sauce was too bland and tasteless.

The drink quality was a shock as well. I only bought one to make the minimum charge cut but still you can’t expect much from restaurant drinks. It was pleasing how I could actually taste strawberry though obviously containing a lot of sugar water. The disappointment from the ‘Come Buy’ strawberry smoothie a few days ago left a want of a good version. This one at Amigo wasn’t amazing but it did its job nicely.

Sadly there were no flan or churros options on the menu but it deviously pained us when the fried ice cream choice was there with a beautiful picture and a red line going across announcing it’s unavailability. Twas mean! We would’ve ordered one in a heartbeat because this place seemed pretty darn authentic with all of our dishes and an authentic fried ice cream would’ve topped it off splendidly. Alas no such dessert could be consumed here. Kelly says that Mexican food is not liked very well by the Taiwanese so it’s difficult to have that kind of shop successful in Taiwan, which probably explains why some foods were taken off the menu.

Oh well. Even though it was pricey I don’t regret going in the slightest. I LOVED THE QUESADILLA OODLES AND OODLES! :D Andrea is happy!

The German side of Kelly came out when she took us to a beloved German bakery of hers. Here we purchased two treats and consumed them among the three of us. The rectangular one is almond flavor with a thin berry layer included. Apple pie was the other dessert’s flavor. The pie had good chunks of apple and was sweet but didn’t have any cinnamon. For me, I prefer apple pie with cinnamon on it but that’s just my tastes. The rectangular cake was tasty as well, having a small yet lovely fruity kick among the thick layer of almond. Good stuff!

In conclusion, I think today was good in many aspects. Yay! Now time for bed. Night all!

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