Monday, March 25, 2013


Tuesday March 19th, 2013

Why I didn’t fall flat on my face this morning escapes me. Exhausted and woozy feeling, that would be me. This led to spending nearly 65% of the school morning resting with the remaining 35% squeezing in work. Those catch up hours helped so much and I felt slightly functional after lunch and nap. No extreme need for coffee, as was my goal from the beginning.

Chinese class was fine but the approaching test this Friday still sends shivers down my spine. I’m nowhere near where I should be on learning the last three lessons by myself. Time has not been on my side from extensive events (museum trip and Rotary club Anniversary party) that nearly chew up all my free time. Swirl the lack of sleep together and viola, we have terrible studying conditions. So this week will have a full on sprint-like effort to reach the finish line before Friday’s test. Wish me luck!

Btw, this is what the classroom looks like for Chinese lessons at Tatung high school. Probably the fanciest, newest, best equipped room in all the high school section of the campus. 我喜歡!

With nothing previously scheduled tonight, I finally had an open evening! Yes! Me, elementary school track, sweat time! Originally I wanted to mostly run/jog for forty minutes but that didn’t happen when reality smacked me in the face. I’ve lost all my stamina. …Gosh darn it! Instead I evenly switched between jogging and power walking between iPod songs for about fifty minutes. Sure the level of difficulty leaned toward easy but I hope to turn it around and regain my lost stamina even a little while in Taiwan. I’ll take my counselor’s words to heart and try some way to exercise everyday since my (secret) at-home dancing time didn’t seem to succeed very well. VICTORY SHALL BE MINE! I’M DETERMINED! >:D

Finished “The Last Days” today. It’s a fair book but didn’t quite reach the first book’s standards. If you like band components, you’ll like basically all of this book. Now I get to move onto “Uglies.” Recently Akiko told me it was a depressing book, so much so that she quit reading before reaching the end. Let’s just see what it’s like for myself. Curiosity takes over!

Again I apologize for the shortness and flatness of this post. Please bear with me until I at least get past this Friday. Apart from the Chinese test at high school, I have a Rotary report due over our National Palace Museum visit that needs to be written in Chinese. Andrea is a busy and tired puppy. This weekend will be more interesting, I promise. ;) Good night everyone. Sweet dreams.


  1. Uglies was probably my favorite book in middle school, and I still like it quite a lot (there's actually 4 books. The 4th is kind of a spin off called Extras). Happy reading and good luck studying!

    1. Just finished the first book. Quite an interesting concept and plot! Me gusta! :) I feel a whole socratic seminar needs to follow the end of the series. XD
