Friday, March 8, 2013

Break End, School Starts

Monday February 18th, 2013

Slipping on the school uniform was a slap-in-the-face reminder of being the first day back to high school…mmm grumble grumble. XD The night before had some challenges with sleep because at midnight fireworks left and right were going off. All around bangs and booms were resounding through the neighborhood effectively giving you trouble in sleeping. It must be a special day to require such a loud celebration, perhaps a God’s birthday or something.

Chinese class at University starts back up on Thursday so today was a full day of high school. I was so tired through the whole thing. The beginning quarter was just getting ready for the new semester’s classes such as getting new textbooks. Since I am not given any (no need to) I took no part in it and just slept away. No sense in staying awake for pointlessness when you’re exhausted, right?

The textbooks issued to the students may be thin and light-weight but numerous in comparison to back in Texas. Dang it's a lot!

The second quarter was going to the ninth floor for a ceremony. Most likely it was an orientation for the second semester. Like many other students, my head was drooped down in slumber.

Afterwards it was lunch (a very much missed salad from 7-Eleven) and naptime. Naptime was my favorite time of the school day by far. XD Following up should have been physics class but turned out to be a teacher I’ve never seen before lecturing over the periodic table. Out of respect I forced myself to stay awake through his two-hour class. I don’t really have an opinion over him yet but so far I think he’s a good teacher who knows his stuff.

If it were first semester, we would’ve had P.E. class next or ‘Spanish’ class for the exchange students. But instead I had history class. Obviously there’s a different class schedule for this new semester. It makes me wonder what classes my homeroom will have and when. Redy said she’ll give me the schedule once she has it so it’ll only be a matter of time. A bit exciting actually!

With a beloved walk somewhat of a distance from my school, I stopped by Daiso (the Japanese equivalent of a dollar store). My desire was to leisurely browse through its contents specifically the bento section but it was somewhat crowded. Nonetheless I had fun choosing several items to bring back to America for only 39NT each. There were adorable plastic bowls of bunnies and moons I would’ve gotten in a heartbeat from the love of the design. Buuuuuuut they were dishware. No real call for buying them. XD The items I already had chosen were more than enough to make me happy and anxious to try them out. Yay for cheap and awesome stores! :D

Back to the house, dinner, shower and work. That’ll sum up the day for ya. Hope yours was a good one. Bye y’all!

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