Monday, January 7, 2013

The Salad Hunt + English Song Competition

Thursday December 27th, 2012

The day starts out with…cake…for breakfast. That’s still so strange to me. The white cake was a little sweet but cut into really thick slices, thicker than an inch. Yeah, they are big little buggers but thankfully aren’t really rich otherwise I would have a stomachache from an overload of sugar so early in the morning.

No University class this Thursday. With the final exam on Monday, the exchange students will be placed in new classes for the second semester for Mandarin learning. Until then, no class. No it doesn’t mean a morning holiday. I’m too much of a goody-two-shoes for skipping school. No, I just had to go to high school earlier than normal for a Thursday otherwise my Jimmy Cricket conscious would explode. XD

Continuing my brilliant plan of buying a salad in the morning on the way to school and then having it for lunch, I set out for the convenient store called ‘Family Mart.’ Yet what do I find? It’s closed. Not like time hour closed, but a big piece of cardboard blocking the doorway with Chinese written in sharpie probably saying something about construction or shut down or whatever.

So I went to another convenient store called ‘OK,’ right by the remains of ‘Family Mart.’ This one was indeed open but didn’t have a single ounce of salad in its premises. Gosh darn it!

My final option was the 7-Eleven in front of my school campus. I totally scored with this! By just going a little out of my normal way, I can get vegetable salad, egg salad and fruit all in the same place. I found my future healthy lunches! SCORE! :D

All throughout the walk to the back of Tatung’s campus to sign in then to Hi-Life for coffee then to my classroom, I hear, “WEN JING!!!” (my Chinese name) being shouted at me from all over. Now I know how Erik felt when his name got exclaimed at him all the time. So many people who call my name, I only recognize about ½ of them and even fewer do I know their English names. It’s easy for the Taiwanese students do recognize and know my name but it’s tons harder for me with so many people especially if expected to know Chinese names.

The salad was fantastic. I love lunch now. ^_^

Nap was another conked-out-in-minutes one. I don’t even remember sleeping because I black out so hard that all of a sudden, it’s time to wake up! A change that developed in Taiwan I don’t like about me is I tend to slightly drool when sleeping. Gosh darn it! America, please when I go back to your arms, fix that.

English song competition today. Finally! Singing and dancing ‘Move Like Jagger’ hours and hours over a couple weeks gets old. For 120 minutes total, all the classes performed their song. Some danced and some just stood still as statues. Some songs I recognized, some I struggled to hear the English lyrics. But in the end, my class got 5th place out of 15-20 classes (I didn’t count). Not bad, not bad. Though we should’ve won automatically since we were the only class with a native English speaker. :P

That just about wraps things up. Buenos noches! :D

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