Friday, January 4, 2013

Rotary Anniversary/Christmas Party

Wednesday December 19th, 2012

Aaaaaaand I nearly passed out right back into bed if not for shocking myself awake with forced jumping-jacks. Gosh darn it I’m sick and tired. There is no hope for getting to sleep early before Christmas with so much to do and little time to do it. This, Andrea does not approve.

The lifesaver of coffee was picked up at the convenient store, the Wincafe caffeine x2 kind. Tasty as always and the hot liquid gratifyingly soothed an aching throat. I almost want to get addicted to this stuff but I know that is baaaaaad, bad, bad. So I digress…for now.

The coffee can, as it sat on my desk, fascinated me and brought my sister’s advice to mind, the draw inanimate objects for beginners tips. And that’s exactly what I did. I drew the beloved coffee, having a blast in doing so. Want to see my masterpiece? Viola!

Not half bad, huh? I’m very proud of it. Since a third of the page was still stark white, I added this little bit for fun:


What can I say? Making these kind of things are fun and it does have truth in it. Sure, I wasn’t bouncing off the walls but it did help me stay more awake in class. Without it I know I would have been passed out 77% more than without it. So yay for lovely 咖啡(coffee).

I desired another chicken roll like yesterday but Hi-Life didn’t have a single one. Cravings then leaned toward hot milk tea from the ’99 Hamburger’ shop, easily obtained through a sandwich combo. Eh, not really dying for a hamburger but wanting the hot milk tea, I went ahead and got a #5. The burger was average but it’s the beverage that warmed the cockles of my heart!

You know, I’m still having problems with losing the weight I unhappily gained in Taiwan. I want to exercise but the gym is super inconvenient and time is not on my side. I want to eat healthy like back in America but Taiwan isn’t exactly known for having a healthy, cooking style. Its people just have really high metabolism, hence why Asians are skinny. The food selection at the cafeteria ranges from dumplings to hamburgers to noodles to sugar drinks to fried whatnot. Hi-Life has one somewhat healthy sandwich it sells but it’s not always in stock so it’s unreliable. With the combination of lacking exercise and healthy food, I officially dub myself fat. No, I’m not exaggerating. The pants that once were tight on me later fit like a dream after working so hard this year to lose weight. Now…they’re tight again. Andrea is pissed. Even when making healthier choices than an average Asian, I’ve still gained all this weight. I’m putting my foot down NOW! I don’t care what anyone thinks or says to me in Taiwan, I’m going on an extreme diet. I may not be able to control what I eat for breakfast and dinner (that’s in my host family’s hands) but I can control how much I eat. There will be complications with this I can tell, but I deserve the right to this choice. Look out Taipei because Andrea is gonna rock ya!

A whole hour to get home, change and then another whole hand of transportation to meet my host family, I really start to miss my car in Texas where I don’t have to wait so long for the bus to arrive and then wait out all the bus and subway stops. With cars you can blast through the city without all of that but in Taipei it’s a pain to find a parking spot. So everyone, love Texas in all its openness for parking. ;)

Tonight was my Rotary club’s anniversary party intermingled with a Christmas party. Dinner was served in the Taiwanese rotating table style and there were several musical performances. Come on, I’m in Taiwan, of course there will be singing. XD I’ll let pictures and captions take it from here.

This little creation is pure awesomeness! It’s like an egg custard transformed into a small warm bun. LOVE!

COWBOYS! Well..Asians dressed as cowboys but still…COWBOYS! These four Rotarians got up and sang a few country-ish style songs, one of them being my Uncle Kaiser! :D (my district counselor) The fact they dressed up like that made me happy! Later I went up and said “我愛你的yi fu” (I love your clothes) and got a cheery laugh out of them. ^_^

Here we have my Rotaract club in Santa hats but with the theme of Hawaiian with their ukuleles and one guy’s Hawaiian shirt. Seeing that at first got me so pumped because I thought they would sing “Mele Kalikimaka” in which I would totally rock out to. But no, they didn’t. One of the songs they sang was jingle bells, the Chinese version. Don’t ask me what the lyrics translation is because I totally don’t know.
Uncle Kaiser sang another song but this time a Spanish solo! For the pure reason it was Spanish made me happy. Throw in his good voice and you got yourself a great performance! ;D

So fun party, cold night, another hour of transportation and then home. Let me just point out, I’ve had over 4.5 hours of traveling in one day and you can’t do squat in the meantime. Waiting, reading, drawing, etc. is such a pain so I only can listen to music, which remains my only comfort. But seriously, 4.5 hours? That’s such a waste of money and my life. Be happy for cars in Texas even if there is traffic because it’s a lot nicer than literally being squished from all sides from a jam-packed bus and dealing with the bus jolting forward and back side to side and up and down. Driving a car in Texas with our safe road laws is a blessing. Remember that my friends. ;)

Sleepy time. Good night!


  1. Ugh. I know how you feel with public transportation. In Austin you have to plan your entire day around getting to Target, because there's very few direct buses and if you deal with transfers you're skrewed because the buses are ALWAYS at least 5 minutes late and then you're stuck at a bus stop in a bad part of town. OTL

    1. Sorry about that chica. This is when I lament to those good old school bus days where I only had to wait less than one minute at the stop because it always came on time. I miss you bus #318! T-T
