Monday, January 21, 2013

Sword and Umbrella Time!

Thursday January 3rd 2013

Not only have University Chinese lessons started up again but also the exchange students have been assigned to new classes (A the highest, D the lowest). In the first semester I was in class B. With good grades in class and high confidence on the final exam, I thought for sure I would stay in class B. It turns out I was put in class C. In my opinion this doesn’t mean I’m bad at Chinese for being pushed down a class. It doesn’t mean anything at all to me. Everyone felt really good about their final, so we must have been ranked with only single digit point differences. With a few exceptions, all of us are about the same level hence why the different class levels are unimportant.

Our teacher (class C) is apparently in America right now so we had a substitute just for today. Since all the normal teachers are female, I was surprised to have a male teacher for once. He was really good at his job, educational, fast-paced and challenging but not overstepping our Chinese abilities too much. The lesson was a lot of fun with him as he taught many things clearly and understandable. Too bad he isn’t our real teacher. Though I have heard many good comments about our true teacher. We’ll find out the truth soon. ;)

With Mariko, who turned vegetarian for New Years, we went to a place called “Laya Burgers.” Zach from Colorado is also a vegetarian and said they had veggie burgers. I was interested in trying one since I wanted veggies, not greasy meat patties, plus I’ve never had one before as far as I know. The two of us couldn’t find the desired item on the English menu so I helped Mariko order a veggie burger in Chinese for her. I would’ve gotten one myself but when I saw the menu, my mind changed. This place was new to me and several menu choices caught my eye apart from a veggie burger, such as the infamous Asian rice burger yet to touch my taste buds. A ‘Lady’s Burger’ boasting ‘real ham and egg (or was it cheese?)’ won my attention in the end. Orders placed. Seats found. Now we wait a couple of minutes.

Either it’s called a ‘lady burger’ for the size or contents, maybe even both. This means it wasn’t a huge burger but more moderate sized and contained a bunch of lettuce. The fried egg wasn’t dripping in oil, nor the ham and there was just a tad bit of sauce added. I can’t say for sure but I want to dub it as healthy, at least when compared to other burgers. What I can say for sure is that it was tasty! With an interesting menu and good prices, I want to continue exploring at ‘Laya Burger!’ ^_^

Let’s skip ahead to club time! We did some of a sword routine! Eh, I think I’m a bit behind on memorizing it but that’ll come eventually…hopefully. :P We seem to be just at the beginning stages so it’s nothing too detrimental. Afterwards I talked to the master about taking lessons outside of club. Things have yet to be finalized but it’s a work in progress. Perhaps January 16th will be the first lesson if all goes well. Yay! Excitement!

Ok, feel free to call me pathetic. A purchase of a new umbrella made me overjoyed. Shall I explain? The umbrella I’ve had for four months is a short lavender one bought from a convenient store. Not very big but it did its job. For over a month, maybe two, its been breaking down. Some wires snapped off, it won’t fold in properly, weak as heck and even the color is stained grayish-black. Using it has become more of a hassle then a help. Should I mention when any strength of wind blows, it threatens to turn inside out, which it has done numerous times? Yeah, this umbrella lived its life. Time to move on…big time.

All this and the downpour of rain today accompanied with gushing wind turning the umbrella inside out several times, effectively getting me wet, led me to finally go buy a new one. The tiny store visited is one I pass twice a day on my way to school. Though small it was completely dedicated to umbrellas and had friendly ladies/salespersons to help. The idea of a salesperson speaking a different language made me cautious because of the fear for getting sucked into a bad deal. As best as I could I labeled the characteristics I was looking for: long, sturdy, inside-out-proof and big. A lady took me through several different models but in the end I chose the initial one she showed me.

The new and very beloved umbrella is just what I wanted. Cane-like model, strong and thanks to the lady for raising the awareness, light. Then there’s the bonus of it having the automatic opening mechanism of fun not to mention a “one year service” (which I assume means a one year warranty). After walking out the store I thought it a shame I didn’t browse through the color choices regardless of liking the sage green with a brown handle model just purchased. Then I realized, this was a great color. The colors that would catch my fancy would be orange or purple, somewhat light shades. If bought those would certainly darken gray overtime like my old one. So really, the dark sage green umbrella was a fine choice in every manner. Using it instantly outside, a wide smile graced my face. Funny how changing from a crap old one to a new good quality one can make a person in Taipei so happy. If you lived in Taipei you would understand. ;)

Back at the house I received short notice (five hours notice) of writing a 100+ word essay about life in Taiwan…in mandarin. I assumed it meant 100+ characters but just to be safe, I went over 100 just in case. It was surprisingly easy with the help of Google translate for a few characters not yet taught. Win for me!

Last thing, I went to ask my host parents if I could go to Tamsui Friday for dinner with friends. When they replied “no” my blood froze for a moment. Not only was it my last chance to see Brittany in Taipei but also I would break a pinky promise if I didn’t show up. Now don’t get my host parents wrong. They said no at first because they booked tickets to see a play on Friday and didn’t tell me yet. Thankfully they were able to call in and change the date, freeing Friday up for me. My point is I had a huge jump-scare for the night. Ok, I didn’t physically have a jump-scare but it mentally felt like it. XD I’m grateful for my host parents rebooking. Don’t wanna miss out on spending one last night with my best friend in Taiwan. ^_^

With anticipation for tomorrow, good night all!

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