Monday, January 28, 2013

Class C Approval!

Monday January 14th, 2013

Class C rocks! We’re learning so much and pretty effectively. The teacher is a lot more thorough than my previous one. There’s quite a few side note vocabulary I wrote in my book that the teacher gave us that’s not in the core lesson. No it’s not simple to absorb it easily and all at once but that’ll come in time.

The teacher assigned a semi-hefty project that is due this coming Thursday. A five-minute PowerPoint presentation over a famous person we like. In other words, an idol project. It was hard enough doing a three-minute introduction but now we must throw in things we don’t know how to say like “born in…” or their history from birth to now, etc. So it’s definitely a challenge and will require Google translate for sure. ;P My choice of person was undoubtedly my beloved Miyavi! There’s no other single person I could even think of. It’s always been that wonderful Japanese singer. Might as well enjoy the project by picking a treasured individual. ^_^

Kelly and I at the college campus.

In exchange for skipping naptime I was able to have lunch with several exchange students and two church friends, Leo and Kelly. We went to a Taiwanese restaurant and enjoyed a tasty get together. My dish was basically eggs with bits of tomato inside. With this much eggs I sure got my protein fill in for the day! XD Then chitchat and such followed.

But right after was back to high school. In ‘Spanish class’ nothing happened again. I did rave about NK101 for a bit in order to spread the word of this great performance. Achieving their interest was a success! I’m still waiting on my husband who I invited to see whether or not he will go with me to see it. Firstly, we haven’t seen each other in a while and are trying to figure out a hang out time. Secondly, though he’s in an exchange student program it’s an academic college type. Regardless I want to insert a bit of Rotary culture exchange flavor by showing him this awesome show. Andrea’s spreading the word, yo! :P

The variety at dinner tonight was quite large and appetizing. Between yummy vegetables, tasty sausage, good oil rice and delicious dates, I quite enjoyed it. Maybe a little too much. Gotta watch the amount of food intake. ;P When I described a food I enjoyed (had a heck of a hard time pronouncing it in Chinese and don’t know of its English name) all of sudden my host family said they would make it and show me how to cook it. This food I’ve mentioned before is a pyramid of oil rice wrapped in long leafs that’s tied together with a string. You shouldn’t eat it everyday for health reasons, though I still really enjoy it. I’m interested in learning out to cook it/Taiwanese food in general. So I look forward to the time when I’m taught a recipe or two. ^_^

Ok, night now. See ya later peeps! :)

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