Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Break Out Into Dancing!

Thursday January 17th, 2013

University but no high school today! Can I get a whoop whoop?! :D

Only three people where able to give their star presentations today both because of time restraints and completed projects. Over half the class didn’t finish theirs so it’s not like everyone was going to go. I was the second of the three people with my auspicious Miyavi to exhibit. As I suspected, he was not taken too lovingly because he came across as weird to my classmates. Now that I think about it, that really surprises me since we are exchange students (in Asia!) and are exposed to this kind of stuff all the time. Many were saying he was gay even though he’s completely straight with a wife and kids because of the Japanese J-Rock style appearance. But oh well it doesn’t matter in the slightest because I love his work and I don’t need other people’s approval to do so. It so happens my idol was the only one still alive out of the presented ones today. I get the pleasure of anticipation for his next performances unlike the others who will never have anything new released. I win! ;D

With an American boy named Garret, we went to lunch at Sushi Express. It was so nice to sit down, unhurriedly enjoy the food and leisurely chat. Man I love no high school after University! Even though my host father and I had Sushi Express yesterday, it didn’t yet satisfy my craving because I didn’t eat two specific dishes. Today I discovered there was a menu you could order from in case the sushi bar belt didn’t contain it. On the menu there were both pictures and English labeling each food. Brilliant! So the craving was subdued with the veggie seaweed ice cream cone (real name: Chinese Yam Hand Roll) and nut/raisin/bean sushi (real name: Fried bean curd with mix nuts). Non-cravings but still delicious dishes also eaten were ‘Steam Egg-Custard with Scallop’ & ‘Imitation Abalone Salad.’ That last dish was a stab in the dark because it was on the sushi belt and it looked interesting. Without knowing what it was, I gave it a shot and it turned out tasty. Yummy! That was such a great meal both the food and company aspects.

Back home I did some stuff and had a nap. It’s going to be hard breaking out of that habit when back in Texas. XD Funny how both my exchanges had them (Spain’s siestas). Host dad brought dinner home. It totaled to three different rolls that we spilt into three and shared them between host grandma, father and I. The flavors were, shrimp, pork and spicy chicken. Oddly enough my favorite was the spicy chicken. Also consumed was a cup of pumpkin soup. I can’t say I’ve ever had it before but now I know I’ll have it anytime in the future. ;) Other parts of the meal were soymilk, guava slices and a giant green date that resembled a small apple. A very tasty dinner indeed!

Here’s an LOL moment for me. With the miracle of increased time (thanks to no high school) I took the opportunity to do something I’ve been wanting for awhile. Learning K-Pop dances again! My victim of the day was a song that has been on replay in my head and has a dance that fits its sound so well. The moves are not difficult but nothing dead easy and the style is geared towards masculinity. So that was my chosen dance. Later on in the night my host parents showed me a video of a singer called 伍佰 (literally “500”). With the song was a dance that my host mother was learning that I absorbed as well. Refer to the link below (dance is at the beginning and repeated several times):

The pure difference between the dances just cracks me up. Here I am studying a macho smooth dance while my host mother is learning a down-to-earth disco dance. I think the contrast is amusing and cool. And no I’m not going to tell you the K-Pop dance because y’all will make fun of me. :P Just have fun and use your imagination on that one my fellow K-Pop-ers. ;)

In my first viewing of the above video I actually found a mess up at 2:27. They should’ve done the ‘spin the wheel’ move instead of the ‘shoot the ground move.’ XD

That about wraps it up. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some dancing to do…both types. :D

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