Friday, January 4, 2013

Extra Lion Dance Practice Time!

Friday December 21st, 2012

Breakfast! A fried Asian pancake with eggs on the inside. Yummy. The bowl in the top right corner is a sweet dessert-like food. The little balls are just chewy stuff. I don’t know why but my host father said that when you eat this stuff, you become a year older. Now whether he meant living for another year or tacking onto your age symbolically, I tend to think it’s the first theory. But why sugar sweetness makes you live another year is beyond me. XD

A can of warm coffee was bought at Tatung’s campus convenient store for an energy boost. Looking at the can on my desk, I was struck with inspiration! Remember how I discussed with my sister how to begin learning how to draw and she said to draw inanimate objects. Well I found my object! I tried to draw it from on downward perspective. Sure it’s not as awesome as my sister’s skills but I’m proud of my work just because it actually looks like what it’s supposed to. Score one for Andrea! :D

Today was my first attempt at eating healthy at Tatung high school. I bought a salad from FamilyMart (another line of convenient stores) and brought it to school. It was good and very satisfying. As I predicted, I did get confronted for my food choice but I don’t much care. Having pure, delicious vegetables is such a comfort to me right now, really it truly is. So yay! I want to try and continue this.

From 3:00-5:00 the entire school had an assembly practice for the school’s Anniversary celebration tomorrow. 86% of it was just standing, 9% sitting and the rest walking and/or doing a short little ditty of a dance attempt. Each class from Tatung had to file onto a field in front of the principle and do something of some sort to a song track snip-it. After that we just stood through some sort of award giving. No one paid attention to any of it. Talking among students radiated across the crowd. My feet began aching up the wazoo and boredom quickly took over. Let’s just say, I don’t want to do that again any time soon.

After the assembly practice I dashed into Hi-Life, got a chicken roll and orange juice, ate it in a rush and scurried off to meet my club members. We decided on rehearsing more for the lion dance because we weren’t ready yet and the performance was tomorrow. Great process was made and I ended up leaving at 7:45. Oh goodness it was late and so dark outside but it was so worth it. I’ve grown to love my club and the members. I don’t know if we can be considered friends yet but they are opening up to me a lot more. Whoo hoo! ^_^

Big day tomorrow! Rest is needed. Good night all!

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