Thursday, January 24, 2013

Alone in Tamsui

Friday January 4th, 2013

Bent over with head resting on arms while sitting at a desk is a position that’s code for snoozy time. Some teachers take action against this by waking the students back up with a touch or shake. I can’t tell if they strongly disapprove me sleeping or not though I try not to. This has led me to develop the ability to vertically sleep in my desk from trying not to go horizontal. Whoops! That’s not what I hoped for gosh darn it.

The instant the bell rang throughout the school at 4:00, I excitedly hurried out of Tatung and towards the anticipated night. On the way to the subway, I stopped by a bookstore not yet explored since I had time before meeting up with Brittany. There was one goal in my mind, to find ‘The Hobbit’ in English. At school today I practiced in my head how to ask the employees if their stock had it. I practiced and practiced…yet, when I walked in the store…it was right there. XD Ooooooof course it would be right there despite my practicing. :P But for the fact that I found the book, YAY! I’m so happy!

On the back, the price tag said ‘370 NT’ which is roughly $12.3US. At the cashier it rang up as 260NT ($8.6US). Um…was there a sale? Is it a student discount? A combo of the two? I’m confused! Though in a pleasantly confused way. XD Saving money rocks!

The purpose of purchasing ‘The Hobbit’ to read amounted to two. First, satisfy the craving to reread it thanks to watching the movie. Second, transportation entertainment. The two hours from Tamsui to home gets mighty boring even with my trusty iPod. Even the normal hour to school is a drag sometimes. So this book shall spice things up a bit in a delightful Tolkien manner! ^_^

It’s magic began immediately on the MRT trip to Tamsui. What normally feels like such a long time, flew by in a flash as dear Bilbo was introduced in detail. Movie scenes true to the book popped into my head, following along with the printed words. This was also the first time in a while since I’ve read a book for fun, quite a lovely time I might add!

Upon arrival to Tamsui my happiness was dampened. A text from Brittany came reporting that her host father wouldn’t let her go out until she finished packing for Australia and even if she did, it would take an hour for her to meet me. This basically means, the pinky promise didn’t come true. Brittany couldn’t come. I didn’t get to say good-bye to her. Yes, it was a sad disappointment, a very sad one. She is after all my best friend in Taiwan who I can’t see before she goes back to Australia.

Since I already travelled the distance, spent the fare to come to Tamsui and had parent’s permission for dinner out, I decided to stay a bit by myself. No sense in wasting all that time and money, huh? Most of the visit involved browsing through several small shops next to each other with generally the same merchandise, little do-dads of gifts, fashion and knick-knacks. I bought a ring that’s been on my mind ever since visiting Tamsui with my host family. It’s a stainless steel ring with roman numerals around it from 1-12, just like a clock. I regretted not buying it when I first saw it so tonight that wish was redeemed. Another fun buy was a checkered bow tie but not just any checkered pattern. A white, black AND orange checkered pattern! Oh there was no stopping me from buying it especially when so cheap! :)

Dinner was selected by a friendly green, yellow and white sign spelling out “Subway.” AH yes, nothing like a good, healthy sandwich for dinner. I got tricked by the language barrier though. XD When the lady inquired about cheese I thought she meant if I wanted a certain kind. Clueless, I just said “yes” and moved on. Turns out she asked if I wanted double cheese for 20NT more. Whoops. A little mistake there. :P And because I don’t really know the topping names, I resorted to pointing with my finger. Unfortunately, the gesture to salt and pepper was mistaken for jalapenos. XD It was an amusing time and still a yummy meal (with jalapenos removed). Though I think the lady forgot to charge me for a bottle of water. There wasn’t a price displayed but I grabbed on and showed it to her for the check out. She saw it and confirmed “” (water) vocally. Yet a 95NT sandwich + 20NT for extra cheese + a bottle of water read 115NT on the receipt. Is something wrong or am I just lucky with purchases today? XD

My first purchase kept me effectively entertained all the way home on that extensive trip. I love ‘The Hobbit’! ^_^ I don’t want to be bringing back so much to the USA but I may just have to continue on to ‘The Lord of the Rings’ when finished. We’ll see what’s in store later. ;)


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