Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tamsui Night Out!

Wednesday January 2nd, 2013

Monday and Tuesday were New Year holidays. Well the holiday time is up and it’s back to school. …meh. Classmates shared this unexcited feeling as we all passed out from tiredness once or many times thanks to staying up late for Taipei 101 fireworks. There’s a difference in culture. After New Years Texas gives you a week or so before school starts again, time enough to recuperate. Taiwan gives you 24 hours…not enough.

Right after school ended, it was off to meet friends at Tamsui (a port area north of Taipei)! I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to do something out of my usual bland weekday schedule. Hanging out with bestie friends was the sweetest part of it all. I arrived to the meeting spot first with Brittany following up. A reunion commenced and a Christmas gift exchange. My USA teddy bear and Texas keychain felt inferior as she gave a belly dancing jingle belt and the pretty, purple top I had my eye on. What a thoughtful dear! I am so wearing them when the outfit is complete and a few pounds are slipped out of. ;P

While waiting for other chicas to arrive, the two of us went to a cheap clothing store to find jeans for Brittany. She’s been doing last minute shopping before she leaves for Australia this Saturday (*breaks out into tears/wailing*). Her plan is to buy her new wardrobe in Taiwan since the clothes are cheaper if you know where to look. You do have to be careful of quality though since it isn’t always commendable. I browsed through some jeans at this place and some fabric was just so darn thin, you would wear them out in a week!

Side note: Just to clarify, all the exchange students from Australia are leaving soon because their exchange has a different time slot. They’ve already been in Taiwan for about ten months. So they came to Taipei in the beginning of summer. I don’t know why but it’s only with Australia. End side note.

Anne (from Denmark) made it to Tamsui and we met up with her. Together the three of us strolled down to Brittany’s third host family’s restaurant called “G12.”

Another side note: Another strange thing with Brittany’s exchange is that she lived with her first host family, then second, then third and then first again. End side note.

With that being mentioned, it was a surprise to the third family when Brittany came along unexpectedly with foreign friends they hadn’t met. The family was super friendly and their little dog liked to lick your face off. XD The restaurant was European style, had Greece decorations and was on the higher end of the price range (nothing absurd though). It was a nice sit-down place with a calming atmosphere. The host family being the owners, bless their hearts, treated us to a free meal of our choice. Total sweeties!

The dish I chose from their menu was ‘Mediterranean Seafood Pasta.’ Yes! I’ve been craving pasta for so long! I’ll admit the craving is specifically for chicken alfredo but that doesn’t mean this seafood pasta wasn’t satisfying. It was delicious! Inside were oysters, shrimp, veggies and a yummy sauce. Every bit was delightfully devoured! ^_^ Along with the main dishes, Brittany asked for some fruit tea she recommended to us. It was very tasty stuff being warm and of course, fruity.

For awhile she Skyped with her family back in Australia to ask some questions and chit chat. Such and such time passed until we headed off to pick up another friend, Mariko (Colorado chica). Our group totaling up to four members, walked back to G12 so Mariko could get some dinner but at that point I had to leave for home. From school it takes me over an hour to get home. From Tamsui…you’re looking at two hours. You can guess my feelings on this. It was worth it though because I needed some time with friends, especially with Brittany since she’ll be leaving really soon. Brittany promised for one last night together on Friday so it wasn’t good-bye yet tonight. Not until we try out Taiwanese foot massages together for the first time. ;)

Until next time, peace out!

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