Thursday, January 24, 2013

CPR Time!

Tuesday January 8th, 2013

Let’s open up on a really positive note. I love my new umbrella and I love ‘The Hobbit.’ Two companions that make my day better and therefore makes me happy. It’s been raining everyday as of late and there’s no better way to deal with it than to have a good quality umbrella handy. Then the bus and subway ride just got fun as I follow Bilbo and thirteen dwarves on their adventure. These two past purchases were wonderful investment! ^_^

In order to get what has become my daily high school lunch (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays) I must go to 7-Eleven before school and buy a salad. Since there is a Subway right across the street from Tatung’s campus, I thought I could mimic my salad actions to get a sandwich in the morning and save it for lunch. That quite excited me because as you know, I really like Subway. But tisk tisk, no can do. I should be in my class at 8:10. Subway opens at 8:30. There’s no leaving the campus before class breaks either to get food. Nuts! Subway is staring right at me, taunting, yet there’s no way to get its tastiness for lunch! Que triste! A discovery of freshly sliced pineapple at 7-Eleven healed my heart wound a bit though. ;P

Surprises of plain cheesecake and hard candy cane from two classmates today. The first was cool because the chica said she made it herself, which I envy because I still want to bake with conventional ovens again! Eventually! *eyebrow wiggle*

For art class, the assignment involved everyone and the chalk board. Each student had to draw something on the board in order to make a big compilation picture. It started out ok…then got strange…then got vulgar (guys work)…then was pure chaos. No free space was left on the board and everything drawn had no sensible connection. It was just an explosion of chalk whatnots. Then the teacher asked me to be the last one to draw. I really didn’t want to. At the board with a piece of chalk in my hand, I was at a loss. Not only do I not draw with chalk (mechanical pencil girl) but I didn’t know what to even attempt. Getting flustered I just made three marks at moved on with my life. A smiley face. Tada.

Lunch was a new type of salad with a little cup of potato salad included in the package. It was more like a potato pasta but it was good. A nice option for the craving of potato salad I’ve developed. Yet another food I didn’t really like as a kid but now love. XD

Last thing for this post is CPR training at school. Yep! During today and tomorrow the whole school in turns is required to attend CPR training. A classmate said it’s an annual thing. We perform on manikins, which I thought were of male design but apparently was female instead. Whoops. Sorry manikin for the misunderstanding. XD I actually liked doing this exercise because I’ve only learned CPR theoretically in America and not hands-on. And yes it was perfectly sanitary with special mouth covering for everyone to put on the manikin. Have no fear! Andrea who relearned CPR is here! :D

With that positive thoughts, I bid y’all a good day.

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