Monday, January 28, 2013

NK101 After-affects

Thursday January 10th, 2013

This marks the second day of Chinese lessons with a new University teacher. Wow this lady is fun yet educational! The good rumors about her are true! I feel like this Chinese semester will be a great one. ^_^

Lunch was back at Laya Burger with a Lady’s Tuna Burger. I still only have positive things to say about it. Laya never disappoints! There’ll surely be more visits in the future!

Hehe. I feel that I should mention I’m still obsessing over last night’s show. Dude it was just too AWESOME! Can I pleeeeease see it another time?! Pleeeeeeeeease?! I so want to! The search for a viewing companion begins! Even though it ends late in the night, I’m sure my host parents will allow me to go because they seemed open to my desire to see the show again. Sure I’ll have to buy my own ticket but this is the stuff I adore as it splendidly showcases the culture my heart holds dear. Andrea is determined to go again! >:D

That is the stamp from attending last night. It’s a lovely reminder and reminiscing trigger. ^_^

No club today. Instead it was a ‘weekly report’ for school. That name is so misleading because it’s been a month or two since our last. Problems resulting from a lack of a USB led the exchange students incapable of doing the report. The assignment transferred to being homework needing to be sent by e-mail. Whoop.

Contrary to the morning, I didn’t feel so good in the evening. It was hard enough to finished a Rotary report much less the Tatung weekly report (which wasn’t done but put-off for tomorrow). Therefore I prescribed myself a cup of hot chocolate therapy to wind down with. It’s been awhile since my last hot drink both including cocoa and coffee so it was nice to feel its warm embrace again. And yes, I have eliminated coffee from daily life to rebound out of the nasty coffee every morning habit that was developing. It’s best not to dive into that pit unless absolutely necessary.

Wow, this post is so bland compared to the precious one. XD Well, good night anyway!

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