Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rice Burger

Monday January 7th, 2013

My new University teacher returned from her trip to the US. She brought Skittles and Lifesavers as treats. I never realized how good Lifesavers are until today. They’re nice little buggers :P Anyway the class was spent having an oral test of a three-minute introduction of yourself. Holy crud three minutes was so long for all the exchange students. Way more than once did you hear “um…um…ummmmmm” and “oh come on!” from looking at the timer.

The students were given their final exam back all graded. I saw tests around me having a score anywhere from a D+ to a B. My score…a…fluffin’…92.5! Booya! But it just goes to raise the question of why the heck did I move down from Class B to Class C? My exam grade is great and my normal classroom grades were also good. Sooooooo? It doesn’t make sense but it’s not necessarily a bad thing for me. This teacher seems really good as a first impression so who knows, it could be for the better. Let’s see what happens Thursday.

With several exchange students, we went to Laya Burger as a request from me. My mind was set on one thing, a rice burger. Today would be the day I try this Asian recreation of a burger. Now you must be wondering, how can a burger be made out of rice? Instead of bread the buns are sticky rice that has a tint of brown on the top, which I can only assume means they fried it a bit for extra sticking strength. It has all the same contents like lettuce, meat (chicken for mine), sauce, etc. Despite it being a bunch of grains of rice, the buns held pretty well. That is, until half-way through when it began to break and fall apart. Finishing the meal without being too messy was a bit of a challenge. Hmm, maybe I should’ve used chopsticks. XD

Overall, the rice burger was tasty and not dramatically different from a traditional burger. Personally I prefer a bread bun because it holds together better and has so many different types (wheat, honey oat, white, etc.). Rice is just rice. Unless fried, it tastes the same hence no variation. This shop has become a favorite of mine. With a diverse menu, nice prices, good serving size and fast service, Andrea approves! ^_^

High school time was a fail. Going to meet up with the other exchange students for the usual two hours on Monday, no one was there and I noticed all four of them already signed out. Redy was no where to be found either so I just sat by her desk the whole two hours doing whatever. I haven’t seen those four chicas in weeks and feel so disconnected. It’s sad.

Anywho nothing else to report. Just more work at night between writing, research and Chinese. So night all.

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