Friday, January 4, 2013

Surprise School Performance

Tuesday December 18th, 2012

GOSH DARN IT NOOOOOOOO! I’m sick again! Noooo! Whyyyyyy?! Yay I still have a voice but my nose and throat aren’t doing so hot. *grumble grumble* Oh my gosh this morning I was totally Asian! The woman next to me on the bus was coughing very near. In my head I thought, ‘you’re Asian, can you please wear a face mask like your culture does? Or at least cough away from me?’ And not long after, she put on a face mask. Woah, I am turning Taiwanese! XD That and I’m now paranoid about diseases since I’ve already caught one so near to Christmas.

To aid my aching throat, I dropped by the convenient store ‘Hi-Life’ on Tatung campus and bought a hot lemon drink. It’s either lemonade or lemon tea. Whichever it is, the warmth and lemon gushing down my throat felt so good. Another great part is it costs only 17NT (20NT without student discount)! That’s just a bit over $0.50US. Nice, cheap, effective, Andrea approves!

At one point during the day, a student plugged in her phone and played music over the classroom’s speakers. First it was our English song competition choice (‘Move Like Jagger’) then some Chinese songs, then out of nowhere, GDragon’s “Crayon.” BWHAHAHAHAAAA! It took 1.75 seconds to recognize it and soon after, I was head bobbing, feet tapping and mouthing the lyrics. Oh it was great! Now if only they could play some U-Kiss…I would so break out into dance. XD

Lunch was a new food from the Hi-Life convenient store. They have an extremely small stock of lunch food so it’s very hard to snatch something you want without it all ready being sold out or never there in the first place. So I pounced on a chicken roll I’ve seen before but never got the chance to try. I’m sad I can’t eat it whenever I want to because this thing is delicious! Oh good sweet lordie I love this thing! It reminds me of a Mexican tortilla with chicken and cheese inside. My dear Tex-Mex, I miss your goodness, especially quesadillas. This chicken roll just brought about good feelings, tastes and the want to get up and tango. XD

No naptime today. Nuts! Instead the school gathered outside to watch performances by the dance and cheerleading clubs. First up were two dance routines, one by four girls and the other by a breaking dancing group of three. The breakdancing was normal but the chicas went wild! Not very…conservative, if you will, with their outfits and moves. They got down on the ground in a provocative manner and the male audience went crazy with hoots and hollers. I did not expect something like that from those girls. They ended up doing it a second time because the boys wanted to see it again. *sigh* You naughty boys.

The other performance was from the cheerleading club. I felt bad for them because it started raining and we had no cover. They had a terrible place for their show since it was small, narrow and many students couldn’t see a single thing amongst the cluttered crowd. I was one of them. All I saw was a couple of girls thrown up in the air or just stand raised up. I think something went wrong with the music or routine or something because there were several restarts and an awkward finish. It’s a pity.

But yes, rain yet again strikes Taipei and the move it does, the more I think I need a better, new umbrella. The little purple hand one I have is slightly busted and always refuses to fold up properly, not to mention a tad small. If you live in Taipei, I think it would be good to invest in a good quality umbrella, the sturdy full length ones. My purple one was only a cheap convenient store one but the nice thing was that I could store it in my school bag versus always carrying around a big cane-like umbrella. I’m not sure which is a better trade-off but I know one thing for sure, I’ll need a new one soon before this one dies. And if it wasn’t already obvious, a wise travel tip for when visiting Taiwan…bring good rain gear!

Skype with mah sista! Holla! No I’m not going to list everything we talked about but it was a long-awaited reunion, our first time to Skype while I’m in Taiwan. I spazzed at birdie cuteness (oh my gosh, I love seeing a well-groomed happy birdie again!), oogled at her animation work and was taught a few art tips. That’s right, my sister is now my teacher! Drawing is something worth pursuing for me and my lovely sister is helping with it! Yay! :D

Christmas is closing in! Everyone grab your holiday hats and start the countdown! Bye-bye! :)

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