Saturday, December 15, 2012

Voice! How I've Missed You So!

Wednesday November 28th, 2012

Praise be to the Lord! I have a voice again! Sure it’s raspy as heck and only ¾ comes out but I can at least communicate with words! That’s a major improvement! If this pace keeps up, I’ll be fully healed by the end of the week! Whoo!

Only two things to report today. First, my host grandmother had a special food set out. I believe it to be some type of food to bring when you go pray at a temple. Maybe as an offering? Or maybe it’s for weddings since I saw it at the pastry museum…you know, the one I got married at. :P I’m not too sure at this moment but I’ll look further into it later! ;) The outside is gummy paste with different fillings, just like mocha. The two I tasted were bean paste and peanut flavor. Both were really delicious. Worth giving it a try if you ever run across them!

The outside has some sort of design I can't really understand but it's beautiful nonetheless!

Peanut inside goodness! You can see both the gummy white and red layer which taste the same.

The other part of today was my monthly Rotary meeting. As always good food and good people but just a tad hard to talk to the members with my voice’s current condition. I was supposed to have a presentation today but I just couldn’t with such a voice. It’s a shame. But yeah, the Rotary meeting was enjoyable as usual.

(me) in my Rotary blazer all decked out in pins! The country fair last Sunday was an opportune moment to snatch up some pins. Yay! :)

The Rotary meeting room before all the members came.

Love, LOVE this chandelier in the meeting room! Look! FEATHERS! How beautiful is that?! Super beautiful! :D

That’s all of the highlights. See you next time!


  1. whoah, cool chandelier~
    I hope you're healing well ^^

  2. I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this, but then I realized that you're ahead of us!
    Happy Christmas Andrea! :D

    1. I love how you say "Happy Christmas" as your profile picture is of a Weasley! Nice! ;D Happy Christmas to you too!
