Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's Beginning To Look Like Christmas

November 29th, 2012

Slowly but surely my voice is coming back! Yes! Right now it’s still limited to a raspy drone with occasional croaks. Better than nothing at all, am I right? XD

The heart attack of the day was had through the bus ride. See, I take bus #212 yet there are different types of #212. A red, yellow, green and who knows what else type. Confusing right? All of them go to Kunyang MRT station, where I need to go, but some take different routes. I’ve only seen the same route on all my previous rides so I was panicking when the bus didn’t make its usual left turn at an intersection. Holy crud where was this thing taking me?! Thoughts dashed through my head like ‘did I get in the correct bus,’ ‘did I miss my stop,’ ‘how am I going to find my way back. I don’t know the bus system,’ ‘I am so going to be late!’ and ‘Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap-crapidy-crap!’ By some miracle the bus did make a stop at the MRT station and I nearly fainted off due to all the panic previously performed. What a way to start the morning!

Meat bun for breakfast. Orange juice and Nature Valley at University. Lunch was a new exploration by the campus with a shop I haven’t yet tried. The creation I ordered was some type of fish ball noodle soup. Oh good lordie it was goooooood. My approval is granted!

3 out of the 7 that comprised our lunch company. Smiles everyone!

Instead of club or school report, the exchange students filmed us answering two questions for students doing a report of some sort in America. (1) First impressions of Taiwan (2) Thoughts on Taiwan now that we stayed here awhile. Not hard. Though surprising and answering when the French girl suddenly exclaimed the no-no word beginning with ‘s.’ It caused a disturbance for sure. XD Don’t worry, it’ll be edited out. :P

The school campus put up glimpses of Christmas in the front entrance. Take a look see.

Dinner! Oh my gosh I love that pork sausage! It gets soooo addicting! It reminds me of honey ham, which I absolutely love hence why it is addicting. :P The corn and diced carrots was something new on the table and I went to town with it! By that I mean I got my daily veggie nutrients and was pleasantly reminded of corn and carrots back in Texas. Just having those vegetables alone was refreshing since I usually eat them in a hamburger, pancake or some other form.

Still having problems with my laptop. Gosh darn it. A trip to the store should be soon. Hopefully tomorrow. I needeth a non spaz screen laptop for work.

Done. Neeeeext!

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