Monday, December 3, 2012

Art Class Gallery

Tuesday November 20th, 2012

Another rapid, shallow Taffy. I’m sorry but I have to. Just bear with it until I can catch up. Thank you!

Breakfast! Meat bun, tiny banana (seriously it was tiny! Cute Asian banana!) and liquid yogurt. Now on my list I have written “OJ mistake.” So I assume I bought some orange juice but I can’t remember what the mistake part was. See? This is why I NEED to catch up on Taffy.

Moving on, my classmate gave me these little Taiwanese treats. How kind! The lollipop one is two crackers glued together with what I think is honey. The other, a crunchy bar of seeds, nuts and peas. :P Both were tasty. Whoo-hoo!

No idea why but all of a sudden one classmate stood up and revealed a corner of his underwear. Ok, I’m scarred. I never thought I would see “Calvin Klein” up so close (2-3 feet away) in that sort of manner but at least it was only the undie band and not anything else. If it was anything else my eyes would be red from the amount of scrubbing in attempt to wash the image out. XD

Art class had two mini field trips today. The first was to a little house on campus in a Japanese style. The reason going there wasn’t explained to me but I guess it was to see the paintings scattered around. I quite liked looking at the flowers and birds painted in a traditional Chinese style. The rest of the house went in the pattern of “this is the bedroom”, “this is the bathroom,” etc.

The other little field trip was downstairs to view everyone’s art projects from the stamp pictures to the paperdolls to some posters I’d never heard of before. Our assignment was to sketch our personal favorite in each category with writing some thoughts about it. Among the paperdolls none really stood out to me until I reached a certain fellow. Minecraft Creeper! AH! Run before he explodes! XD Funny how I never played the game yet (thanks to Tobuscus) it still manages to make me smile. :) But yeah, the creater of it sure took a lot of time and work redesigning and coloring this beauty. Good job dude or dudet! To go along with the creeper, some people made Minecraft zombies. It was a whoot! HOLY CRUD! I thought I took pictures but I didn't! Bad me! BAD! >:(

Some stamper painting works...

The black and white bird in the middle was my favorite stamper painting. ^_^

There's a mirror on the back wall that gives the small room a much larger illusion appearance. ;)

First day of putting forth my brushing teeth at school plot! How did it go? I absolutely love it! Having a clean mouth and fresh breath before naptime is definitely a feeling I want to get used to!

Dinner was eaten with host grandma. Enough said.

During the evening my host parents called me over to view some pictures their son posted on Facebook (the one on an exchange in Texas). My heartstrings were tugged on. The pictures were of Ren Fest. Oh Ren Fest how I love thee! Thou brilliance radiates even through a small picture across the vast sea. I pray thee will await for my return for I shall look upon thy lands once again! …Yes. I love and miss my Ren Fest. I should go at least twice next year to make up for my absence. :P Being shown all those pictures was both enlightening and dismal.  My game plan is not to think about Ren Fest in order to not trigger any sad feelings about missing it. So far it’s worked great! :) The next event will loop around soon enough and I’ll get my chance to get my Renaissance craze on then! ;)

I’m becoming a bit of a sickie. My throat has been bothering me today so my host family gave me a traditional Chinese medicine. It was a sweeter, thick syrup with honey in it according to my host father. I didn’t feel any difference after consuming but I just like how my (second) host family cared about me. They’re very nice. ^_^

Fin. Peace! *whooshes to next day*

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