Friday, December 28, 2012

Bread Inside Of Bread Breakfast

Tuesday December 11th, 2012

New stuff for breakfast! The first part was basically what could be referred to as a dumpling except for being flatter, drier, more solid and a lot of garlic. It still had its dumpling filling inside, same great taste. Interesting pastry, a dumpling yet not a dumpling.

Breakfast part two was this little beast. Bread inside of bread. Nothing else. Whooo-weee it was pretty dry. If not for the glass of beverage with me, I wouldn’t have been able to finish it since it was so dry. And no those two stick things are not churros…even though I want to call them that. XD No, they are just fried breadsticks. Churros have sugar (and maybe some delicious cinnamon!) but these don’t have anything except for maybe some oil. That’s the biggest difference between the two.

School felt terrible. Another ongoing battle of trying to stay awake…an unsuccessful one.

The assignment in art class was drawing our school mascot on a red or green banner with writing a congratulations or birthday wish to Tatung high school’s 70th Anniversary. I don’t understand why but our mascot seems to be a little boy in a football uniform. …We don’t have football here. We have basketball, volleyball and badminton. So that’s confusing in the first place but regardless, this is the pose that was chosen for our class. Either he is making a clicking sound while doing that “L” shaped hand oooooor HE’S GOT A GUN! RUUUUUUN! XD

I didn’t get a picture of it, but my banner came out to be an exact replica of the mascot. Whoo! When it comes to these things, I got skills! Or so I would like to think. XD But in all seriousness, it did come out really good. Then I wrote happy birthday in English, Chinese and Spanish to top it off. Tada!

Gosh dang it my eye is acting up again! It been twitching up a storm like it used to when back in America. As my mother (the nurse) suggested, I need more calcium to solve this. So I see that as an opportunity to go get me some tasty banana milk. ^_^ Not only does it have calcium, but fruit as well. Hopefully it’ll help rekindle some calcium. I would drink straight milk but I can’t tell what is what in Taiwan. As I’ve been told, many milks at the store are just loaded with preservatives and less of the actual calcium, making it really hard to tell what’s good and what’s bad. That’s why I take calcium supplements every night to help out. ;)

Whoopies. It’s been a couple months since I’ve used my card to cash out money. This has resulted in forgetting my input code. An e-mail back home will resolve this but it’s not good in the first place. It game me a heart attack. XD

Part of dinner, or should I say dessert, was dragon fruit. This is what it looks like. Good stuff. Try it sometime if you haven’t. ;)

The laptop is doing good so far. No scary lines, flashes or blackouts yet. Thank you Lord! Let’s just hope this continues!

Good night all! 

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