Monday, December 31, 2012

Bowling Competition SHOWDOWN!

Saturday December 15th, 2012

The time has arrived! The moment of truth has come!  The Rotary bowling competition is here! My mission: to not fail. My goal: get a three digit bowling score.

The Rotary competitors turn out

The entire bowling alley was reserved for only Rotary. All these lanes, all ours. Kinda cool. :P

I was able to practice a little bit before the real game. Thank goodness too! Do you remember how my best bowling ball match was seven pounds? Weeeeeell, the bowling alley didn’t have any sevens. Only eight and up with one six pound but with children sized holes. Eight pounds was not right for me. I concentrate more on accuracy and not force. Because of that the bowling ball tended to curve to the side at the last moment since it was losing momentum. I wanted seven pounds! I needed seven pounds! But nooooo, there wasn’t any. So I had trouble adjusting to eight pounds. Gosh darn it, more gutter balls! >:(

I did have a tough time at first but eventually got better as the day went on. A this ‘day’ was four bowling games. FOUR! I’ve only played two at a time before (in Taiwan). My endurance is zlich when playing seriously, especially when dead tired from a lack of sleep. I drank two cups of iced coffee and still I was dragging myself around. Goodness me it wasn’t good!

Even through that inward struggle the four games score, in order, went like this:


BOOMSHAKALAKA!!! I GOT MY THREE DIGIT SCORE! Not to mention every single game today was better than both games yesterday. I take that as a great accomplishment that proves I’m improving! The strikes and spares I achieved today though few increased the feeling of happiness! Whoohoo! I likey likey! But man I was so close to not getting a three digit score. The last game, the last bowl, the last everything and I got a smack dab 100. What are the odds?! I love that little surprising blessing! ^_^

Even so, I still wanted a seven pound ball even to the end. XD It makes me wonder how much better or worse my score would be with that weight. For another time perhaps. ;)

After the competition we all went upstairs for a large group dinner. Everything was tasty but one thing just sickened me. Chicken with the severed head still on the plate. It would’ve been fine but then Braden, the puffy haired exchange student had to go and mess around with it in a deliberate, disgusting way. I shan’t go into details.

See all these bottles of beer? Over half of them were for a German boy exchange student. Now this was nothing at all to him because back in Germany the people tend to drink a lot more than this in one sitting according to him. Want to know how Taiwanese drink? Imagine a regular size shot glass. Now downgrade the size to half the volume and height, maybe even a little less. That’ll give you the size of shot glasses that were on the table. So basically, the German boy shocks Taiwanese people because he’s used to drinking so much more in Germany. XD

There was an award ceremony for the top winners of the competition. I don’t know how many awards there were but my guess is 30-50+ awards. Here’s one for 26th place. This one had the biggest bow on it and looked almost as if it was the prize for 1st place. But alas it wasn’t. This was the 26th annual year that Rotary held a bowling competition so it was a special number. Therefore the 26th place on the 26th year got a little something more.

I couldn’t really tell what was going on. I was just waiting for second place to be called out becaaaaaaaaause … Yavanna won it! She got second place out of so many people, probably 80+ with professionals amongst the numbers. YAY FOR YAVANNA! Just look at that beautiful, huge smile! ^_^ I’m proud of my temporary host sister! :D

Crashing at home with a extensive nap, that concludes the interesting part of today. See y’all tomorrow! Bye-bye! :D

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