Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Is Coming!

Monday December 10th, 2012

Two needs were present this morning. One was my daily vitamins and minerals, easily obtained through a bottle of orange juice. The other was calcium in order to help my eye twitch. Not knowing what to get (milk is confusing to me in Taiwan) I tried something knew, apple milk. I can’t tell how much is actually apple and milk but it sure was tasty! The combination of both OJ and apple milk in a single morning left me quite full throughout University class.

During free time in class, I got together with Mika (Japanese girl) and we had a really fun, educational time. She was teaching me some Japanese words and I, in turn, answered any questions she had about English, usually revolving around pronunciation. Her English is not very good so we mainly communicate through hand gestures or Chinese. It’s just so cool that we can help each other learn Japanese and English, respectively. ^_^ Japanese is awesome! :D Yes, I still want to study it in college if possible once done with Chinese. ;D

For lunch I satisfied a craving I’ve possessed for a while, PB toast. I really liked the peanut butter toast I had at my temporary family’s house and hoped to eat something similar today. At ‘Café 8,’ on the University’s campus, I ordered the food item. It was alright but didn’t quite make being labeled ‘good.’ More PB than a paper-thin coat might’ve done the trick. ;)

Along the way to the subway, Brittany accidently stepped on the back of my shoe, making it fly off my heel. Regaining my shoe, I lunged for her in a playful gesture as if to take my revenge with a slap but only as a scare and not an actual hit. What I forgot is that Brittany has martial art reflexes and defended herself by slicing her hand into my stomach at some painful pressure point she was taught. Oh dang it hurt! I then did the whole “YOU’RE NOT MY FRIEND!” and “GET AWAY FROM ME!” joking act with a smile. The way she earned my forgiveness was through an ice cream called “Haagen Dazs” I’ve never had before but have seen endless advertisement about it in Taiwan. Dude it was yummy! Though it’s an eat-only-once-in-a-very-long-while thing. ;)

During exchange student do-whatever-time at Tatung today (a.k.a. ‘Spanish class’) we played a long, looooooong game of ‘Uno.’ Wow that thing went on forever! I ended up losing but I was actually glad to just to stop the ridiculously long, tedious game. XD

When going to sign out in order to leave school, a random Tatung boy came up to Camille and I and gave us a little piece of candy. I’ve never met him before but he still did such a sweet thing. His shy cuteness was adorable too. ^_^ It’s things like that, that brighten up one’s day and make you feel welcome in a foreign country.

In the afternoon I met up with my host father at the MRT station to go fetch my laptop. Whoo-wee! It was a busy time then! Perhaps I should call it ‘subway rush hour.’ XD I’ve seen busier but still, the amount of people was extensive! Note: this picture only has one round of passengers in one section of the station, meaning there’s way more than you see in one photo shot.

‘Studio A’, the shop we took my laptop to for repairs, ended up saying they didn’t do anything because they couldn’t find anything. Well, whoop. My host father and I just took it back and hoped for the best. So, well shall see whether or not anything changed. Personally, I really hope everything is right as rain again!

We stopped by this place called “Kobayashi” for some little puffy treats my host father bought. This place specializes in dessert type things like cookies for instance. The puff pastries had a bit of cream inside and were tasty alright, best eaten when warm. ;)

A dinner, just the two of us, was eaten at the cafeteria part of Taipei Main Station (both a subway and train station). We ordered at a curry place and my meal was some kind of fried chicken and vegetables with soup and iced tea on the side. I was a little intimated at the thought of curry since I know it can be spicy but this one was only a tad spicy and had a sweetness to it with the unknown sauce drizzled on top. Oh my goodness I love this thing! You can’t see it, but all the food is mounted on a big o’ stack of rice hiding underneath. I could’ve done with less rice but everything else about the meal was outstanding! Me gusta mucho! :D

For the rest of the night we went sight seeing with a specific LED Christmas tree at “Banqiao” in mind but wandering to other Christmas spectacles along the way. Pictures, if you will…

The LED Christmas tree that flashed brilliant colors in endless patterns. This shot just so happens to capture the rainbow display. Oh yeah and my school uniform jacket has reflective strips on it. I could wear this in America on a night’s walk for protection from cars. ;D

A random LED light igloo.

Gingerbread house with a huggable snowman. It’s more huggable in appearance than touch because Styrofoam isn’t very soft and squishy. :P Taiwan doesn’t have many gingerbread houses and absolutely no snowmen. There’s no snow in Taiwan, just a bunch of rain. My host father said his family once tried a gingerbread house and didn’t like the taste at all. Hmm, I wonder if all Taiwanese are like that. Who knows?

Inside the Taipei Main Station was this tree with Santa and his reindeer soaring up…into the sky? More like into the roof. XD But seriously, it is beautiful, no?

One of the many shops selling gift packages at Taipei Main Station had these little desserts. Eggshells filled with custard. Not only do I find this an intriguing treat but the company’s name captures my attention. ‘Chirle Brown,’ eh? Sounds a lot like Charlie Brown to me. I wonder if there’s an inspirational connection between them. *eyebrow wiggle* XD

How cute is this?! A Christmas tree purely made out of teddy bears! ADORABLE!

The last highlight was a street artist who cut out paper silhouettes of people. My host father and I just stood and watched him work for awhile until the man looked over at me and exclaimed “外國人!” (“Foreigner!”) Being polite but laughing a bit, I greeted him back, that is if you call “foreigner” a type of greeting. XD He then said in adorable Engrish, “I do you for free!”

We took him up on his offer and waited for him to finish two paying customers before my turn. Don’t worry, in the end we did pay him but his proposition was very kind indeed. ^_^ He placed some hair ornaments and a clip on earring for decorations in order to spice up the picture. While cutting out his art, the man was singing to me some American tunes and kept asking, “Do you know it? Do you know it?” as if some kind of trivia. It was so loveable. ^_^

The result of his work was very beautiful but truthfully didn’t look like me. For one the silhouette’s nose curve outward instead of inward like mine. Secondly, the hair looks just plain weird because it is depicted as layered and short. We all know my hair’s length, which is impossible to fit on the sheet of paper so he had to compromise. In the end, I really do like it and it’s a charming memory to keep of a friendly Taiwanese gentleman.

I can feel the touch of the Christmas spirit from today but it’s not quite there. Perhaps it’ll come in time. For now, good night one and all! :D


  1. This is so completely random, but Haagen Daz is amazing! That is all. XD

  2. I kinda want to learn how to cut people's profiles, it looks pretty cool!
