Thursday, December 27, 2012

Repetitive Commercials...Repetitive Commercials

Friday December 7th, 2012

Exhaustion. That sums up how today felt. Most of school was fighting sleep or flat out falling unconscious during class break.

After school I went by the post office. Goodness me it’s super busy there! I spent fifty minutes there just to mail something. Going to the post office is definitely not a daily visit! Too long of a wait to get service!

Here’s a Taiwanese fun fact. TV commercials…are super, super repetitive! Oh my Lord it gets annoying! I am 100% truthful when I say the same commercial can play 5-7 times during a single break. It’s terrible! Here’s one true experience between commercial A and commercial B. The pattern was ABABAB+. Nothing in between and constant repetition. Oh it made me want to punch a materialized version of the commercial! Especially when it happens every break! I do not like Taiwanese TV commercial patterns at all. It would be nice to have new commercials or at least switch it up once in a while.

One notable commercial is one for Furbys. Yeah, those little possessed buggers. It has been known for years that Furbys are terrifyingly alive and slightly demonic. That’s been the joke. So it doesn’t help when the commercial said “Furbys: a mind of its own.” Oh lord I was laughing so hard at that. That logo is spot on! …which may not be a good thing. XD

On Disney Channel today was “The Sword in the Stone.” I remember this movie as a kid but with an extremely foggy memory. Plus I couldn’t understand what the heck they were saying, only comprehending through sights and sounds. So I am happy to say, when rewatching it I understand the fast paced dialogue I couldn’t when young. I take that as an accomplishment! ;D And dude, I love Archimedes the owl! He’s so adorably puffy! That was my source of entertainment for the night. Cute grouchiness. XD

Quick look at dinner...see the hotdogs? I see them too. Tasted them as well. XD It's different to eat them in that style and not on a bun but still good nonetheless.

Ok nighty night now! Byes! :)

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