Sunday November 18th, 2012
Let’s get to it!
Breakfast at home. Whoo! Milk and cereal I think it was.
Another whoo! Yum!...whoo!
Off to church. Oh snap it’s raining! Break out our trusty
friend the umbrella! Problem solved. Thanks umbrella! But a new problem arises.
Oh no! The travel time from new house to church was underestimated. I’m late!
Quick! Power walk! Power walk in the cold, wet rain. Sorry umbrella but you can’t
protect my feet from puddles. I need to make rain boot friends for that. XD
Oh look! We arrived just before the first church song. Phew
that was too close for comfort. Note to self: leave even earlier next week.
Pardon that bit of Taffy. It’s a result of wanting to be
random and also being mentally dead. I’ll try and be more normal now.
As usual Beta Groups followed the church service, which
consists of lunch and discussion. The food was in a Taiwanese family style to
be shared between seven chicas and the talk over whether or not people can
distinguish you as a Christian. It got kinda keep in a good way. ;)
It was before 3:00PM when we finished and I had a meet-up
with a friend at 8:00PM. Going home would be a waste of time and money so I
decided to just stay where I was as a time filler. That’s why I brought writing
materials to work on catching up on Taffys. (I’m so far behind!) The plan was
to go get a drink at Mr. Brown’s Coffee and just chill there. But a pleasant
surprise hatched and Will (Dutch chica) joined me for a bit with a chocolate
frappe. We chatted about things here and there though the highlight was a much
anticipated Dutch lesson! Finally we snatched an opportunity to do so. It’s
been very hard to get together when schedules clash and other issues collide.
The entertaining lesson covered the numbers 0-20 and the
Dutch alphabet. The hardest thing to pronounce is “nul” (zero), “h” and “w.”
The language is so different in sound that I haven’t got the ear for it yet. I
mean, I’m still working on my Chinese ear. ;P Learning some Dutch with Will was
tons of fun and I look forward to the next session! Until then, practice is
necessary! Nul, een, twee, drie, etc…twinty. I can count to twenty in Dutch!
Fear my knowledge! >:D
Eventually my teacher had to leave so good-byes were bid.
But we noticed it was still raining fairly hard outside and Will didn’t have an
umbrella. So as a way to show my thanks for the Dutch lesson, I walked her to
the MRT station with my trusty umbrella friend. It’s only a small one meant for
a single person but it was better than nothing, which Will appreciated. I’m
sure glad I brought it today!
Going back to Mr. Brown’s Coffee, it was too early for
dinner but I figured I should buy something if I was to use their facilities and
didn’t want the risk of being asked to leave if I didn’t. Though I didn’t mind
getting something because I fully support the café in all its loveliness. The
food I settled on was a ‘cream puff’. Thinking back to the cream puffs at
Ruddock’s Bakery in Louisiana (Go there if you’re ever near!) a craving
surfaced and I just had to try it out.
Puffy little bugger ain’t it? It ended up being more bread
and air than cream. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t a lot of cream, it just
means the ratio wasn’t equal. The cream itself wasn’t very sweet or savory. It
tasted as if a dash of sugar was added to butter. Nothing compared to Ruddock’s
but there’s nothing to be done about that. Next time I’ll stick with Mr. Brown
brand ice cream. That stuff is pretty good.
Soon after, the time to leave for meeting my friend came around.
Brittany and I went to go browse a store she converted me to. With jingles and
jangles up the wazoo, a lot of fun was to be had at the belly dancing clothing
shop. That’s right! You heard/read me correctly. There is a belly dancing stand
to go crazy at! It had so many different styles of outfits that we spent over
an hour just looking at the more conservative ones. Brittany may have got me
into belly dancing but she can’t get me to wear those skimpy bits of cloth and
string. But I’m happy to say that the shop had many lovely pieces of clothing
that covered up. We determined that I was the long skirt type with blue being
one of the best colors. So basically the same ensemble Brittany lent me at the
Halloween party. I did run across one top that caught my interest. It was a
pretty purple shirt with gorgeous fan-like sleeves. Other than the sleeves it
was kinda plain but we still searched high and low for matching skirt and belt.
The result? Zlich. There was noooooooothing. Since it’s pointless to buy a top
with nothing else to wear with and wearing the skirt alone would be…out of the
question, no transaction was made on my part. That blue outfit is my best bet
but right now I’m just sitting on the matter. There’s at least six months left
after all.
The shop visit was a blast but can’t really be explained in
words. Pictures would be best. Unfortunately I got too caught up in browsing to
remember the camera. Sorry. Next time though, the camera shall be used!
Problems have been occurring with my phone (the one lent to
me for Taiwan) as of late. No calls or texts in or out. Not good at all.
Thinking it was a credit problem that theory was exterminated because they couldn’t
find the number in the company’s system. Turns out my first host father
discontinued my phone without telling me. That would explain the ‘No Service’
display on the screen. Thankfully my second host father was kind enough to lend
me his son’s old SIM card that still works, meaning functioning phone again.
Ok this post ends NOW! I’ve been stuck on this for several
days. It’s 11/28, 12:40 in the morning. Yeah, it’s about time this ends. So…BYE!
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