Monday, December 3, 2012

Store Exploration!

Monday November 19th, 2012

On a mad attempt to catch up on Taffy, this post will be one of several that are shallow in content but at least get the general overview of what happened. I’m sorry but I have to get back on schedule and get rid of this stress! So, here we go!

Breakfast! Bread and a nature valley bar. Later I bought some mango juice. University had a test after which was a constant battle to stay awake. Joy. (Not!) Lunch was had at 7-Eleven with a rice veggie onigiri sandwich. Not bad but a nice warm meal.

A trip to the General Merchandise store was taken. Man that place is fun to browse! I bought a fun Christmas reindeer headband that jingles! How I love the jingles! The headband is a small way I plan to invade the Christmas spirit into school. We may have a uniform but there’s nothing on the head to prevent me from being a reindeer! ;D I also purchased a toothbrush and toothpaste case that’s small and easily portable. Too many times have I lacked time in the morning for brushing and sometimes the lunch food creates a craving to scrub off the remains. Hence my brilliant plan to brush at school! >:D Ok not really brilliant, it’s just a plan. :P

Back at high school I completely conked out for nap time. It was pretty bad. The rest of the day was unfocused and unproductive. The ‘Spanish class’ was the same. Basically it was us fooling around with hand games and chit chat. Whoop.

Afterschool I checked out a store near my new house called “Wellcome Store.” Oh snap this place was fantastic! It was like a mini Target but not a convenient store, just a little mart. The snack-like isles were my place of exploration from Pocky to pineapple cakes to rip-off cereal names. Just look at this piece of work! Really, really? Poor 'Fruit Loops'. What happened to you? The name is wrong an the toucan looks different. I wonder if the taste is different or not. Who knows? It’s amusing to look at though. Maybe it's legit but just the Chinese version since it has "Kellogg's." Still amusing to me. :)

A happy ditty dance followed the heart attack of seeing “Nature Valley” printed on several boxes. SCORE! I done found me an easy to access source of my beloved bars if I ever run out. Zip-e-dee-doo-da! :D It’s amazing how happy they can make me. XD The other available snacks both Asian and non-Asian were all interesting to look through. I’m not sure if pictures were allowed to be taken but I should sneak in some more next visit. ;)

Dinner! Look! Johnsonville hot dogs from Costco! Yummy yum!

The rest of the night was work. Tada! Done! Next! (Sorry again!)

1 comment:

  1. Those fish look ready to bite anyone who tries to get hot dog XD
