Saturday November 24th, 2012
Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday
dear Allen. Happy Birthday to you! Whoooooo! Older brother’s birthday today!
He’s 24 now if I’m correct. This date calls for a celebration! :D
It’s such an honor that my temporary family invited me to
join Allen’s birthday lunch. That makes me feel wonderfully part of the family.
^_^ Of course I ecstatically went with good tidings and a gift for the birthday
boy! The restaurant was called “Tasty” and its style was a multi-course meal of
individual small dishes. Whoooo-weee it was a lot! Yet all of it was SUPER
delicious! Oh I want to go back for more! XD Here’s why…
Appetizer of shrimp, bean and a really scrumptious sauce!
Really tasty soup and breadstick!
Nummy Steak!
Fan-flipping-TASTIC warm hazelnut milk tea. Andrea has fallen in love! If only they had this at easily accessible road side teahouses!
Birthday boy in his new Rockets hat that I gave him.
My temporary host father looks mighty fine in his cowboy bandana!
This is the technique we use to get Xiao Di to take an interest in the food. Just run it up and down a few times, dangle it a little and viola! You have his full attention! So cute!
Family shot together! ^_^
Xiao Di and me!
The meal and company were really fantastic, the best part
obviously celebrating Allen’s birthday. Love ya brother! Without parting ways
just yet, Chen Mama, Allen and I stayed together a little while but
unfortunately Chen Dad, Pi Nan, Yavanna and Xiao Di had to go. After the
farewells and hugs, our trio went to a place called “J-Mart.” Chen Mama said it
was a single, privately owned store that is similar to a downgraded Wal-Mart.
(She’s been to America and our Wal-Mart before ;P) This place basically was for
women from hygiene products to under clothing with also toys, pencils, Christmas
decorations and more. Only two stories high and medium sized volume (not even
close to a Wal-Mart) it was pretty fun browsing through the selection. IT’s the
spirit of ‘what new Asian stuff can I find and what familiar American things
are there?’ XD
One particular Asian thing has been on my
‘Buy-before-leaving-Taiwan’ list for a bit. It is a very common hygiene product
in Taipei that you can purchase at any convenient store and many shops. The
trick is finding the best, most desired one. Originally I had the quest to find
a checkered one but at J-Mart today, I converted. XD In love at first sight,
Chen Mama was kind enough to get me this bad boy!
How awesome is this face mask?! It screams Texas longhorn to
me! Plus ain’t it adorable? The store did have a black and white cow print but
this one is miles better! Since it’s fabric made, it is re-washable allowing
this fantastic baby to last! …I’m such a cowgirl by loving this, huh? XD
For the second half of the day my host family took me to a
place called Bali to see a weekend vacation housing they owned. While waiting
outside in the chill to be picked up, I got a little cold with no jacket and
middle-sleeved shirt. That is until I made a discovery! Another use of the face
mask, a makeshift scarf! By covering your face in cloth and enclosing your hot
breath, it did a bang up job of keeping my face warm. The longhorn print made
it even better to wear. ;D
Back to Bali, here are some shots with my host parents from the building's rooftop.
The housing my family has is a single room
inside a building. So it’s not a house, not an apartment…it’s a…a…a room. :P It
includes a kitchen, TV, bathroom and two pull-out bed couches. The building facilities
were brilliant! First was a reading area with free tea and DIY-pay-for-coffee.
Then an outdoor pool and I think a karaoke area. The best and most fantastic
room by far was…drum roll please…A GYM! HALLELUJAH! My prayers have been
answered! It gets better. There’s a spa. …Oh ho ho ho Mamacita is going to have
fun here! :D
Before all that, Papa, Mama and I took bicycles down a trail
lining the river to a night market. Unique from other night markets I’ve
visited, this one was more food based instead of shopping for clothing,
jewelry, etc. The lively vibe was attracting and had new adventures spread all
over the place. We bought several new foods to me along with some old friends.
Sorry, no pictures to describe or remember all the food. I didn’t bring my
camera or anything for that matter with me. I think one food was like an Asian
sugary donut, another being octopus something and then big potato fries. There
was more but I just can’t remember all of it, sorry. All were tasty in their
own way except for one sample I tried at a food stand. It was heavily
salted egg. Not my cup of tea but that’s just fine.
Dessert was sweetened fruit and a shocking, towering ice
cream cone nearly a foot tall! And that was the small size the shop offered.
Yeah, they get twice as tall, maybe taller. IT’S INSANE! The ice cream is
thicker so it doesn’t met as fast and is fairly sturdy to stack with. We bought
two cones to share between us three, a vanilla/chocolate mix and
banana/strawberry mix. Oh they were good. The fun aspect of eating a giant cone
was a primary factor of the dessert. The lightness of the ice cream didn’t make
you feel like a thousand pounds heavier afterwards. XD
The biking back to the building helped work off some of the
food. What did a better job was taking a family trip to the gym. YES! Andrea
approves! Even though it was a light workout since I was a tad unprepared, any sort
of exercise was greatly needed for counterattacking against weight gain. At
this point the amount I’ve gained in Taiwan isn’t terrible but still not good,
so it’s best to pull a full frontal assault on it before it gets out of hand.
That’s where the gym comes into play! ;D
Equipped with TVs you can control and various types of
equipment, this tiny but effective place was a dream come true. Treadmills, elliptical
and bikes, all the normal cardio stuff was there. The machines of great interest
numbered to two creations of awesomeness. A horseback riding stimulator
(*gasp*) and a booty/hip shaker of wigglyness. OH MY THEY WERE FUN! Y’all
should know automatically that the horse riding was a blast for me. XD The
machine would move in a bucking motion either triggering butt or stomach
muscles depending on the selected mode. Andrea loved this gizzy! The feeling
was duplicated for the shaker machine. You stand on this plate which its sides
are vibrated up and down rapidly making your hips shake and everything jiggle.
It’s like you’ve instantly become a belly dancer. XD The nice thing about this
machine is that you don’t really sweat. The not so nice thing is that my right
lower leg felt like its front took a sledgehammer directly. Man it hurt! I don’t
understand why I felt that pain. Maybe I was standing incorrectly? Either way
it felt like an invisible but gigantic bruise had just emerged on my leg. Owie!
Having to drag myself away from the gym, we headed down to
the spa for some Jacuzzi action. There was a small indoor area like a pool
broken up into three tiny separate sections. One was cold water and the other
two hot. Each had a type of water jet/massager thing. My favorite was the hot
water jet chair, a reclined seat underwater with water jets attacking from the
back down to the thighs. I think I’m a bit too short because my head had
trouble reaching its resting place and the chair was longer than I could fit
properly into. Regardless, it was nice to just take a breather and relax with a
water massage. There even was a tiny sauna to happily step into. I’ve missed
these things. Twas fun to visit such a place again. Finishing with a shower,
the spa experience was terminated and the time to go back home came around.
It takes over an hour to drive between Nangang and Bali so
it’s not a lickidy-spilt trip to take. Sadness since I want to be closer
friends with that gym. XD Bali is just a weekend vacation spot and a lovely one
at that. I look forward to the next time we can go again!
This has been Andrea Clark with the daily Taffy. Thank you
and good night.
Awwww Xiao Di is soooo cute!! and you have noooo idea how jealous i get each time i read a post, it's driving me crazy XD But I shall not give in, it's not healthy for friendships right? right!!
ReplyDeleteI take that as my Taffy blog not being drop dead boring. Thanks! XD And hey, just buy a plane ticket to Taiwan and I could show you around myself. ;D Or teleport or ride a dragon or swim across the globe. Good luck! XD