Friday, December 28, 2012


Saturday December 8th, 2012

An unexpected Rotary event came about, one not specifically meant for exchange students. It was a trip to Daikin air conditioner company much like the trip to the Toyota car assembly plant were it’s for Rotary members but YEPs can be invited. My host father, mother and I went together to what basically was a lecture over the company’s values. I had to have my parent’s translate it. The coffee, water and pastry box were great. One other exchange student was there, a German boy. That’s it to talk about the event. Noting really long or engaging to report.

Noodle soup with shared sodas of chicken, fried pork steak and dumplings consisted of lunch. Delicious. Oh yeah and it’s STILL raining in Taiwan. My umbrella is so wearing down from all this bashing around from water and especially wind.

Heading to Bali, the three of us went in search of a cafĂ© with the reputation of having bunnies in its perimeter. Duuuude…bunnies? It’s a given we have to check it out! Remember, my host father loves rabbits. So I wasn’t the only one itching to see little puffballs of incredible cuteness! XD

Fleeing the downpour we ducked inside and found a low-light cozy environment with low to the ground couches. No bunnies could be seen at a glance which exploded my original image. Beforehand I knew of cat cafes in Korea where cats roamed freely throughout the restaurant. My mind copied and pasted this picture but with bun-buns. This was clearly incorrect.

We were seated and ordered a caramel macchiato and two ice creams. Once taken by an employee it gave a green light to go exploring. That was the exciting part because…

BABY BUN-BUNS! How adorable! All snuggled up and content. One could melt from the radiating sweetness.

To a pleasant surprise, the place had more than just baby bun-buns. Other animal species graced the premises such as guinea pigs, birdies (LOVE!), cats, mice and more bun-buns, adult ones that is!

Oh goodness, look at this handsome bird! He's so well groomed and healthy looking! Love!

This little guy is cute with his puffiness but needed a preen badly (the picture kinda hides this fact). My fingers ached to give the darling a preen. XD

The older rabbits and their play pen

My host parents. What my host mother is doing is her Asian version of bunny ears. I later taught them the American version (a peace sign behind your head) because what she is doing can be easily taken the wrong way in America as devil horns. XD

The ordered teatime snacks were all very good but the best part about sitting down at the table was a man (a customer, not employee) who brought his own wee little darling bun-bun with him. Stopping him, we talked to him for a bit and he put his miniature (not baby) bunny on our table. Naaaaaaaaaw! He was so precious! With soft for, curious personality and love to be loved, he would hop around on the table and extract constant smiles from his admirers. Watching and petting him, I was reminded of my own baby S’mores in Texas. What a rejuvenating experience.

Mr. “I’m-adorable-and-I-know-it” was given the name “yo tiao” by his owner. Fitting and also increasing the cuteness because “yo tiao” means ‘deep fried breadstick!’ XD He does kinda look like one! Oh, don’t you just want to cuddle him asleep?! I do!

What have we learned from this, kids? It’s that bunnies are a bundle of overflowing loveliness. ^_^

The rest of the day was gym, eat and sleep. Gym was a non-sweat session of horse riding machine, the shaker and some bike. I wore jeans and a T-shirt, which was fine except for the shaker. At one point, somehow magically, my clothes become unbearably itchy. Pure torture! Perhaps it had something to do with the jeans but either way, it was so terrible! Dinner was the bread from the Rotary event and the night closed with a nap and driving back home.

Fin. Byes.


  1. I'm jealous! You got to see an African Gray! (you guess which bird that was)

    1. Honey, you are talking to a bird lover for life. If I didn't know what an Africa Gray breed looked like, I would be a failure as a bird lover. ;)
