Thursday November 22nd, 2012
Whoopsies! I accidently slept in. Actually that calls more
for: Ohhhhhhhh SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! With a quick change of clothes and grabbing
a to-go lunch, the lost time was made up thanks to my host father waking me up.
It’s still not good that I slept in though. Bad Andrea! >:(
The transportation to University was still in a rushed mode
as I was still a tad behind schedule. What better way to increase the stress
than to overshoot your transfer station by three stations? *sigh* Not good.
Usually I let my mind go into auto-pilot mode, which allows me to listen to
music and daydream while my internal system walks in known route. The problem
with that is changing host families screws with that internal system and
clashes in my mind. So until I can get a new one reestablished, I better stay
conscious otherwise stupidity like today will occur. No querio.
After switching subways to go back to the CORRECT transfer
station, an interesting experience was had. Boarding the transfer subway there
was so many people resulting in the car being PACKED! And when I say packed I
mean being smushed together like a PB&J sandwich. If I was to be PB, I had
a jelly partner. The way I was pushed further in the car landed me right next
to my jelly man. (Forgive me, I’m having fun with this food reference/imagery
:P) But seriously, we were close! Neither of us could move since we were both
enclosed in a barricade. So allow me to paint a picture of our positions. Both
of us held the hanging subway grip handle with our right hands. Let’s say I was
facing north and he way facing east. Now merge those images together so my head
is in between his right arm and chest. No, no, no, think closer! Remember, this
subway was filled to the brim! Yeah. That’s more accurate! Now on with the
Haha, jk. If it wasn’t for me leaning my head to the right, it could easily
rest on the chest of jelly guy. That’ll be his distinguishing name. ;P The
thought of head-on-chest was both intimidating and tempting. That kind of heart-warming contact would be
nice but obviously never with a stranger. I was mostly terrified the car would
wobble and thrash my head left and…you know…awkwardness. To my knowledge
PB&J never touched but two inches between them was too close for PB’s
comfort (and that’s not an exaggeration).
To further slow down Andrea in a rush, it was raining. Oh
joy. Come on umbrella, we have a class to catch. Can you guess what time I
arrived at the 8:10 Chinese class? 8:00? 8:25? 9:00? The arrival time was…8:10!
BOOMSHAKALAKA! Perfect timing! *does a celebration dance* That’s skills there!
New faces in Kung-Fu club today! Fuzzy, fluffy faces! Our teacher bought us two new lion costumes for practicing. Aren't they cute? Now we have a three lions, one yellow, one white and one green.
Best thing about today's club...SWORDS! WE WORKED WITH SWORDS TODAY! YESSSSSSSSS! I AM SO HAPPY! It was AWESOME! The pieces of fabric attached to the handle as decoration looked so fantastic as it waved around with every movement of the sword. Can I have one?! XD We began learning the beginning of a routine in our first session. The learning process is basically trying to follow along with the teacher as he ran through the routine. But duuuuuude, some of the moves looked and felt freaking amazing! This is definitely up my alley. I love martial art club!
Fun fact. 'Sword' directly translates to 'knife' in Chinese, the same 'knife' as a dagger and the same one to spread butter with. I find that hilarious. XD
Part of dinner had this condensed rice with a bit of wine thrown in, boiled I believe. I think it is associated with Taiwanese temples in some way. Pretty good.
A discovery made today was a night market food cooked at home. My host father showed me how to make a creation with shrimp, flour, egg, bay leaf and a thick sauce. MAN! This stuff is FANTASTIC! I love it so much! And it's pretty darn easy to make as long as you have the correct ingredients. I filmed the cooking process so I'll always have a reference if I ever want to try in America. Heck, maybe I'll be able to try in Taiwan. That would be awesome because I fell in love with his dish! :D
The final DELICIOUS product!
Nothing much else to report except for…HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
The holiday doesn’t exist in Taiwan (only in US & Canada I think) but it
lives in all our hearts, right? So instead exchange students in Taiwan give
thanks and feast on rice and more rice. ;P I hope y’all have a great
Thanksgiving with your Macy’s Day parade, turkey, pumpkin pie and family and
friends. Don’t take such wonderful times for granted, take it from me. ;)
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