Friday, December 28, 2012

Brain Dead

Sunday December 9th, 2012


Hazelnut latte for caffeine at a new place called “Cama café.” Its goodness gains my approval.

Church…church Thanksgiving/Christmas meal. There was so many people and being at the end of the line, most all the food was picked over when I arrived at the table. Tasty turkey was still plentiful though. Sorry no pictures. The cluttered, stressful chaos drove that thought miles away. Not the ideal environment to do so. ;)

Home. Nap. Sweet nap. Other stuff. Dinner. Twas a new dish of soup, bay leafs and dumplings. These dumplings were quite different as it was much thicker and softer than any I’ve had before. Like, really REALLY thick and soft. Good stuff.

Did some gym exploration with parents to find one I could go to. Night ends. Yeah, I can’t really write today. I’m sorry.


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