Friday, December 28, 2012

My Personal Coffee and Cappuccino Engrish

Wednesday December 12th, 2012

I have GOT to stop pathetically and constantly fighting drifting off at high school. Sure I don’t necessarily need to stay awake for anything but I believe being an exchange student doesn’t give you a free nap time card for class time. So I thought it helpful to drink some coffee for some help. ;P

How cute is this can?! It’s ‘American coffee’ with classic American jean background on the can even having a couple stars. Adorable! Then I love how it’s “Since 1994.” That’s my birth year yo! This coffee just screams to me! It’s an American style, boasts an awesome year and tastes delicious! Andrea approves! This stuff shall definitely be in my future! :D

Lunch was a new burger because I was bored. The bread was inflated to a huge dome shape and the burger’s contents was loaded with onion. Thank goodness I can brush my teeth after lunch otherwise flowers would die from my breath! XD

When I asked my host parents about going to a gym, they said we could go try it out on Wednesday (a.k.a. today). Knowing this I felt the need to load up on energy *cough*coffee*cough* along with a desire to try the other teahouse on Tatung campus that I don’t really go to. Reading the menu I understood “__ __ Coffee” with “Banana/Apple” underneath as choices. Banana coffee pricks at my interest, doesn’t it for you? I just had to try it and get more energy in preparation for tonight.

The verdict, it tasted like regular coffee. I couldn’t distinguish any banana in the beverage but it was still yummy nonetheless. One thing I loved about the coffee was the cup it was in. Just take a look at this Engrish!

“To make cappuccino, fiu cup with one shot of espresso. Add equal part steamed milk. Ifdesired, top off iith poaned milk.”

“Try cappuccino senza fiuma; without foamed milk; cappuccino chiaro with less espresso & more milk, or cappuccino swro’ with mork espresso & less milk.”

BWAHAHAHAHA! I think something was written a little too close to the dead line. Like ten-seconds-before kind of close. XD I would totally buy another cup just for the Engrish. XD Nooooot the best thing for Taiwanese students to be reading though because this ‘English’ definitely did not come from Oxford. XD

Throughout the day my class kept playing the same song on the class room speaker, “Move Like Jagger.” The school has an English song competition and that’s the one my class chose to sing. Therefore there’s a need to hammer the song into their brains constantly before the competition. It still has a fun aspect to it but I can tell people are already getting tired of it from all the repetition. Uh oh. XD The bad thing about the song is the curse word beginning with ‘s.’ No, it’s not a big deal but it’s not good when the song fades that word to a minimal volume but the students love to shout out that word louder than the other surrounding ones. Bad kiddies! :P

Toooooooonight's dinner: fish, veggies, and tofu. Yum!

In the end the gym was a no-go today due to some reasons. Oh no, my caffeine filled veins cannot be unleashed! …I’m just kidding. XD They didn’t have much caffeine at all in them and it was all helpfully spent on staying a lot more awake than usual. Yes! I take that as an accomplishment! ^_^

With no coffee traces left in me, I bid y’all nighty-night! :)

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