Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Done Found Me A Stroopwafel!

Thursday December 6th, 2012

When I have to go to Chinese class, my high school classmates got to go shooting practice. …Andrea is unamused. I could totally rock that! Let the born and raised Texan have some fun! I assume the shooting opportunity was through military class so it probably was a good thing I couldn’t go because the teacher never includes me. Better not to go than to be painfully watching other people shoot a gun when myself is not allowed to. The Texan then would definitely not be happy. XD I’ll just wait for the next trip to Louisiana to try for a bull’s-eye. ;D

Our University classroom was locked today. Extremely strange, not even our teacher knew why it was. She had to call the school to find another room for the day. The one we got assigned was loads nicer than our usual, located in a whole other building. Great desks, dry-erase boards, nice view and clean bathroom, it’s a shame it wasn’t a permanent room. Oh well.

At the campus cafeteria, lunch was bought from 7-Eleven. Rice onigiri sandwich thing time! There! A picture reference for ya. It has a thick layer of rice coated with a sheet of seaweed. Inside is some meat, veggies and a rectangular piece of egg. This is best eaten hot so it’s important to ask the employee to heat it up, that is if they don’t ask automatically. With the weather getting chilly, the food’s warmth was a refreshing accompaniment.

What the food really looks like, not according to the picture advertisement.

When Anne gave out stroopwafels, Will commented that 7-Eleven sold some imported from the Netherlands but weren’t good at all to her. Curious to see what a foreigner to this sweet would think, I’ve been looking for it all week. And lucky day I found it! I’m so pleased! The caramel middle tasted slightly different and the waffle was a tad tougher but it still was super yummy yummy! Since I found one in Taiwan, I wonder if America has it. Anyone know? I would love to have those back in Texas! Y’all should try them if you run across some! Tell me the verdict if you do. ;D

Martial arts club today! I’ve been behind on the kung-fu routine for awhile since I can’t make the late practice sessions. So when we went through it again, I got completely lost. Even with coffee, tiredness was very prominent in my system. Pushing past that and focusing was difficult buuuut I managed to study the fast moves pretty well. With help from some club members I am now caught up in the routine. Yes! That’s a relief. Hopefully that’ll last for awhile. *fingers crossed*

Only supposed to be from 3:00-5:00, the club continued on through the approaching night. It showed no sign of stopping when I left at 5:30. Sure I could’ve stayed longer but it was getting late and pointless since I wasn’t doing anything. My lion dance partner wasn’t there and even if she was, we would need another lion dance pair. So going home was better than uselessly twiddling your thumbs. At least I got further on the kung-fu routine today. :D

Oh no. I’m turning into a coach potato. 不好! (Not good) I miss being productive on my laptop. It’s good to relax now and then I guess but caution should be had!

Ok I refuse to write anymore. out…of…brain cells. Bye…eee…eeeee.

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