Monday, December 31, 2012

Ahola To You-a!

Sunday December 16th, 2012

It’s Sunday and there’s no Rotary activity. You know what that means? ;D Church! This service was unique because time was reserved for people who wanted to become official members of Friendship Presbyterian Church as well as the baptism of three beautiful ladies. It was a very special time for everyone. After the service during the coffee/tea interaction time we had three individual birthday cakes for the three ladies who were in a sense reborn in Christ. It was funny because a little boy was so captivated with the cake that he thought it was his B-day and blow out the candles after we finished singing the birthday song. XD Don’t worry we relighted them for the real B-day girls. ;)

For Tina, one of the ladies that got baptized, a group of people went to have a celebratory lunch at a fancy burger place called ‘kgb.’ I say fancy because we needed a reservation and the prices weren’t cheap but it was really small. This was the creation I ordered an ‘Aloha burger’ and a side of apple and walnut salad. The fruity and nuttiness of the salad was superb but the burger blew me away. Grilled chicken, pineapple and amazing sauce, that stuff was good. I think it was basically the pineapple that did the trick. Man, I love that stuff! Not everything on the menu was good though. Many people ordered a peanut butter smoothie but most all on winched at the taste. It was really sour from the yogurt inside and salty from the peanuts. It made me glad I didn’t blow $5(US) on a drink like that!

Following up, I was supposed to meet my host family at Gandu MRT station to drive the car together to Bali fro the weekend vacation room. So I arrived and sent a text to my host father. While waiting outside I realized something, Gandu is always flipping cold and flipping windy. ‘Gosh darn it,’ thought Andrea because she lacked a jacket and wanted to scream at the wind, “WOULD YOU STOP THAT?!” Note that this morning was hot so that’s the kind of clothing I wore.

As a way to cope with the cold and decreasing energy. I went across the street to the only shop in sight that had coffee. Not too cheap either but not that expensive. Suddenly I was encountered with new Chinese coffee characters and I didn’t know how to say any of them! I just knew I wanted a large, hot cup. One choice looked familiar and friendly so I pulled a ‘I want one of this’ stunt. *facepalm* No wonder it looked familiar! I’ve ordered this before and it’s dead easy to pronounce. It’s just the characters that I can’t read yet. The beverage was a cappuccino and you pronounce it in Chinese the same way but with emphasis on each syllable. So it sounds more like “ka-pu-chi-no.”

The coffee helped with the chill and the wait but after thirty minutes of no reply to my text, I went ahead and just called. FYI, you should never call on your cellphone in Taiwan. It’s so expensive compared to a text message plus I don’t like paying money to work out language problems for a call that can be avoided in a text. So basically, all exchange students text and not call. Word from the wise. But he answered and told me to go ahead and take the bus to Bali. Fair enough. Did that but a new problem fell upon me. I don’t have a key nor keycard. Another call was made and my host father had a ‘guard’ come get me and escort me to our room.

He rang the doorbell. No answer. He rang it again. Still nothing. After mashing the button several more times he asked me to call my host father. Whatever the heck happened or was said, all the guy told me was my host father would get here in an hour and he wanted me to wait in the ‘library.’ This ‘library’ really needs a proper title change to ‘lounge.’ A library, kiddies, is where there’s books galore, you have to be quiet and you can check books out. A lounge, children, is a place with couches, drinks and magazines. And this particular lounge, as I dub it, had blaring KTV from the 2nd floor. It was loud and the people using it weren’t exactly prodigies at singing if you get my drift.

While at this lounge I had nothing to do. I didn’t bring my entertainment because I didn’t think I needed to. So apparently I had to wait an hour doing nothing in an open room where I can be awkwardly stared at since I’m a foreigner. Being looked at is fine but not for that long doing nothing. That’s when I was saved! I found a chair designed and placed for such an escape, an egg/cone like chair facing the window. Inside this cocoon were pillows that immediately created the idea to sleep out the waiting time while being concealed by the chair. Fine but problems still appeared. (1) It prevents you from finding a comfortable laying position. The sitting position wasn’t so hot either. (2) Annoying loud KTV noise = trouble sleeping. (3) The cappuccino caffeine did as intended, which collided with wanting to sleep. (4) My host father and mother didn’t arrive an hour later but 2.5 hours later. I lost a lot of work time and things are piling up. It’s not their fault for arriving late but I was conscious of the building workload and stressed me out of sleep.

Eventually my host parents did come and get me, heading to the room. What happened was around me was supposed to let me in when I first arrived but she was in the spa, hence why no answer at the door. Then my host father told the escort on the phone to let me use the gym (like I wanted to) or the ‘library.’ The guy just said to stay in the ‘library’ and wait. So whatever, it doesn’t matter.

They brought dinner from McDonald’s, a new addition to the menu. Burger and fries with an Italian take on it. Does American McDonald’s have that now? I don’t know but I’ll try and describe what it’s like in Taiwan. The burger has Italian spices and pasta sauce while the fries are loaded with some sort of powder. Seriously it was loaded. Loaded I tell you! When I opened the bag, a cloud of the powder puffed out and gave me a small coughing fit. XD As a whole, the meal wasn’t bad, rather interesting actually. The iced tea and hot chocolate was a nice top-off.

Right after was a beloved trip to the gym. Yeah it’s not the best to exercise right after eating but that’s the entire reason I came to Bali for the day and I wasn’t going to miss it. With 90 minutes of a workout, mission ‘get shirt completely drenched in sweat’ complete! It’s always satisfying to see a light gray shirt turn dark gray by the end of the gym visit. If not for a red face and sweaty body, no one would suspect my shirt went through so much precipitation. XD

Getting squeaky clean with a shower (both me from you know what and parents from the pool spa) we soon left afterwards. WE got home at 11:00. Oh dear. I’m trying to set 10:00 to be the time I HAVE to go to bed because I’m so behind on sleep but that’s really hard in Taiwan. Heck, when we got home late today I still had work needed to be done postponing sleep past 12:30. *sigh* I’m working on it. There’s just so much to do, little time, less energy and Christmas is just around the corner. I want time to do Christmas things but that’s a challenge right now. As always, we’ll see what happens.

Here's some reference pictures to what the weekend room at Bali looks like. It's one combined room with kitchen, couches, TV and bathroom.

The TV area/dining tables. The bathroom is in the back through the glass doors.

Panning to the left from the previous picture is the kitchen.

We cool? Bye now.

Bowling Competition SHOWDOWN!

Saturday December 15th, 2012

The time has arrived! The moment of truth has come!  The Rotary bowling competition is here! My mission: to not fail. My goal: get a three digit bowling score.

The Rotary competitors turn out

The entire bowling alley was reserved for only Rotary. All these lanes, all ours. Kinda cool. :P

I was able to practice a little bit before the real game. Thank goodness too! Do you remember how my best bowling ball match was seven pounds? Weeeeeell, the bowling alley didn’t have any sevens. Only eight and up with one six pound but with children sized holes. Eight pounds was not right for me. I concentrate more on accuracy and not force. Because of that the bowling ball tended to curve to the side at the last moment since it was losing momentum. I wanted seven pounds! I needed seven pounds! But nooooo, there wasn’t any. So I had trouble adjusting to eight pounds. Gosh darn it, more gutter balls! >:(

I did have a tough time at first but eventually got better as the day went on. A this ‘day’ was four bowling games. FOUR! I’ve only played two at a time before (in Taiwan). My endurance is zlich when playing seriously, especially when dead tired from a lack of sleep. I drank two cups of iced coffee and still I was dragging myself around. Goodness me it wasn’t good!

Even through that inward struggle the four games score, in order, went like this:


BOOMSHAKALAKA!!! I GOT MY THREE DIGIT SCORE! Not to mention every single game today was better than both games yesterday. I take that as a great accomplishment that proves I’m improving! The strikes and spares I achieved today though few increased the feeling of happiness! Whoohoo! I likey likey! But man I was so close to not getting a three digit score. The last game, the last bowl, the last everything and I got a smack dab 100. What are the odds?! I love that little surprising blessing! ^_^

Even so, I still wanted a seven pound ball even to the end. XD It makes me wonder how much better or worse my score would be with that weight. For another time perhaps. ;)

After the competition we all went upstairs for a large group dinner. Everything was tasty but one thing just sickened me. Chicken with the severed head still on the plate. It would’ve been fine but then Braden, the puffy haired exchange student had to go and mess around with it in a deliberate, disgusting way. I shan’t go into details.

See all these bottles of beer? Over half of them were for a German boy exchange student. Now this was nothing at all to him because back in Germany the people tend to drink a lot more than this in one sitting according to him. Want to know how Taiwanese drink? Imagine a regular size shot glass. Now downgrade the size to half the volume and height, maybe even a little less. That’ll give you the size of shot glasses that were on the table. So basically, the German boy shocks Taiwanese people because he’s used to drinking so much more in Germany. XD

There was an award ceremony for the top winners of the competition. I don’t know how many awards there were but my guess is 30-50+ awards. Here’s one for 26th place. This one had the biggest bow on it and looked almost as if it was the prize for 1st place. But alas it wasn’t. This was the 26th annual year that Rotary held a bowling competition so it was a special number. Therefore the 26th place on the 26th year got a little something more.

I couldn’t really tell what was going on. I was just waiting for second place to be called out becaaaaaaaaause … Yavanna won it! She got second place out of so many people, probably 80+ with professionals amongst the numbers. YAY FOR YAVANNA! Just look at that beautiful, huge smile! ^_^ I’m proud of my temporary host sister! :D

Crashing at home with a extensive nap, that concludes the interesting part of today. See y’all tomorrow! Bye-bye! :D

Friday, December 28, 2012

Bowling, Take 2!

Friday December 14th, 2012

There’s one other type of my birth year coffee and today was the day to try it. The other flavor was “American coffee.” This one, if my Chinese is correct, is “Caffeine X2.” Oh snap this sounds like a drink you have when about to die from exhaustion. XD You want to know something funny? As I’m typing this, I’m listening to a song titled “Caffeine.” Bwuhahaha now the caffeine is X3! I love the connection! …Moving on, it tasted like basic, normal coffee but the great thing is I wasn’t having a heated battle with drowsiness.  Yay! That means it beverage did its job! Whoo! …Yeah…I really need to catch up on sleep. Darn you workload! >:(

Lunch was yet another new experiment with ordering a “#12 Burger.” Will I order it ever again? The answer is: N…O… Nooooo thank you. At first I thought the meat, chicken perhaps, was overloaded with pepper. Later I concluded the burger was spiced to a hot degree. I’m not the biggest fan of spiciness, especially when I can only taste the spice and not the whole burger. Also, too many chunks of onion were added. It would’ve been better to slice the onion up instead of volcanic eruptions of the stuff. So I didn’t really eat a hamburger, I ate onion and spiciness. Ick.

The combo came with milk tea, which saved the meal from being disastrous. You could either choose cold or hot. Milk tea is normally cold because that’s the temperature preference when it comes to pearl milk tea. So trying something new I asked for “ ” (hot). Oh goody goodness YES! This stuff is even better when warm. Firstly because the cold version has ice, which melts quickly and waters down the drink to be “ok” status. The hot version is pleasantly devoid of this. Secondly, the fact that the temperature is cold in the classroom and then drinking a warm beverage, it totally heightens the experience to loveliness. ^_^

Remember the English song competition I mentioned in my school. Well I know another classroom’s song selection. It’s a real hoot. For five minutes, probably even longer, this was continually repeated “We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine.” Oh my lordie lord. Really? The good thing is they don’t need music and the song is ridiculously easy hence a nice choice for English beginners. The bad thing, I wager the students get pretty darn tired of that song really quickly. XD

I’ll admit, I’ve gotten bored in high school. Writing Taffys all the time, trying to study Chinese in such a tired state, the drifting asleep battle, it all gets suffocating in a constant cycle. In attempt to spice things up a bit, I took a pencil and paper and just drew. Plain, simple drawing. Some animals, some Christmas things, Ren Fest, people and other stuff. Best…decision…I’ve had in awhile. I went to town! Drawing is a definite part of my future at Tatung! I have my fingers crossed in hopes of learning how to draw characters if I keep on trying. You see, I can draw when copying an image I see in front of me, that’s my strength. I want to learn how to draw a character from my own mind and imagination. The ability to illustrate any pose and body type so I can create scenes, comics, anything! Oh boy that would be wonderful! I could finally depict all my ideas from over the years. Yep, I have my fingers crossed. ;D

School ends at 4:00. I had a get together scheduled for 7:30.  So that leaves 3.5 hours to kill since it’s pointless to go all the way home just to come all the way back and further, wasting time and money. I planned on helping Redy grade English homework from her class because I want to relieve some of her workload in her busy, busy life. Unfortunately she finished teaching at 5:00 and I had to leave at 5:45 so I could only help for forty-five minutes. But hey, any amount of assistance I can provide, I’ll do it happily. ^_^

After leaving, I went to grab dinner at a place called “Mos Burger,” a Japanese take on hamburgers. It seemed to be really popular and had nice facilities so I wanted to try it at least once. And once is all it’s going to be voluntarily out of me. Waaaaaay over priced and waaaaaay too crowded. At first I thought I wasn’t going to have a seat because none were available until I had to ninja snatch one right as the previous users left. The table was next to a snogging couple. Ewwwww, cooties! XD The food I ordered was a teriyaki burger, fries and iced tea. For a fourth of its price, I could get a burger that’s twice as big at the school cafeteria. The burger wasn’t even that great. So nope, not coming back here!

On a time budget I ran an errand at Taipei Main MRT Station Exit 8. And that’s as much detail I am giving because otherwise it would ruin a surprise for someone if they read this Taffy blog. ;)

The event at 7:30 was some more bowling practice, this time with a teacher (a.k.a. Yavanna; a.k.a. temporary host family sister)! But not just Yavanna came. Pi Nan, Allen, Eddie (Yavanna’s brother), Eddie’s wife, Eddie’s wife’s brother also attended. Now Yavanna and Eddie are both pros. They have their own bowling balls, the cases, bandages, the whole sha-bang! Needless to say, they knew what they were doing and they greatly helped me improve, well, everything about my game. XD Arms, hand, shoulders, feet, strength, all of it.

Eddie was adorable in the extremely shy sense. We never really had a proper introduction because he was so shy. When finished his turn bowling, he would flee to the back of the lane, behind the seats and when he wanted to give me some bowling tips, he spoke them to Allen who transferred/translated to me. It was cute. ^_^ I’m grateful for his help and yes, he’s a great bowler.

That is Eddie's back about to make his move

As a fun mention, this little gizzy was at the bowling alley. It's a gambling game for the prize of a bouncy ball featuring Pokemon. The slanted board has a bunch of thin, upright metal rods and at the bottom are many yellow slots. Your goal is to get the luck that enables the ball to swerve/bounce through the rods into a yellow slot with a red light above it. The gambling part comes from how much you bet on each round. Somehow Pokemon and gambling just don't mix for me. XD

Now at first I couldn’t bowl worth a dime. I had to experiment with different bowling balls in order to find the best one for me. The easiest one to work with and control concluded to be seven pounds. But during that experiment and trying to figure out how to bowl properly with all the correct components, many maaaaaany gutter balls were thrown, effectively making my score pitiful. XD With two games total, my first play was 52 and the second amounted to 61. There was improvement, yay but still pretty bad. The main thing is I won’t be completely clueless for tomorrow’s Rotary bowling competition. Heck no I won’t win but the goal is to not completely fail. XD We’ll just see how it goes, shall we?

Until then, adios amigos! :)

Sweet Potato French FriiiIIIIHOTHOTHOT!

Thursday December 13th, 2012

This will be nice and quick.

First up is a new drink I tried out of curiosity and the double need for milk and coffee in the same morning. Café Milk! Oh goodness I found a delicious new beverage that I love! It can be described as chocolate milk, not too strong but not watered down except you swap the chocolate for coffee. BRILLIANT! I love this stuff! I get some calcium and caffeine all at once. Sweeeeeet! XD

No club today nor school report. Instead we had a two hour presentation on the ninth floor at what is the closest thing to an auditorium at Tatung High School. It’s more like a gym with a small stage. For two hours we listened to a speaker and watched videos about Germany’s flooding and the measures they took to protect themselves. Basically it was some sort of environmental class the entire school had to attend. I asked Redy why the school had to see it and even she didn’t really know why. The best guess is it was to compare Germany’s and Taiwan’s flooding. It still seems strange to take two hours of school time for that.

Afterwards was what I concluded to be Tatung’s school song. Everyone had to sing all at once, which turned into mumble mumbly-ness. One of the military instructors singled out several classes to make them sing it again. And again…and again… I don’t know what the heck he was looking for or if he was just messing with us but he made my class sing it at least four times before he finally dismissed us. Some classes just had to sing it once. I couldn’t figure out any difference between the two so I tend to think he was just being devious and having fun with it. XD

Back at the house, dinner. Lookie lookie, french fries and ketchup! They were soooooo not the ones back in Texas. For starters the fries were made of sweet potato giving them a sugary taste. BUT that was totally SLAUGHTERED VIOLENTLY when I found out the hard way that the ketchup was uber spicy. OH MY GOSH IT WAS HOTHOTHOTHOTTTTTTTTHOOOOOOOT! I stuck to just the naked sweet potatoes after that. XD

And done. Good night now! :)