Sunday April 28th, 2013
Church day and feeling swell! It’s always nice to go to
Sunday service for my spiritual needs. An add-on was having lunch with four
other exchange students at an Indian restaurant called “Masala House.” Filled
with people, we had to wait a while for our orders but they were nicely priced
specials and gave us more time to hang out.
Choosing the chicken curry flavor, twas my first time to try
curry with naan bread instead of rice. And boy was it sooooo much better! Sure
the intake of carbs from the bread makes my skin crawl a bit but it was worth
it for the experience and friends. The sauce was also delightful with a kick of
spice. For years I always thought curry was supposed to be this ultra spicy
food that makes you cry but I’ve been corrected in Taiwan. Curry here is mild
to very little spice to a point that I really, really like. It’s still so strange
to think I now like spiciness considering my childhood nemesis was anything
with the smallest pinch of hotness. Even stranger, I’m willing and curious to
try truly spicy curry just to see whether or not I like/can TAKE IT LIKE A
The delicious main course was topped off with a delightful
cup of hot milk tea. It was definitely different from any other milk teas I’ve
ever had with this version being pepped up with extra unique seasonings. My
taste buds are not knowledgeable enough to distinguish the flavors. Whatever
the seasonings were, it focused more on the tea rather than turning the drink
into some sugary liquid. Very delectable and deserves a thumbs up!
Bidding goodbye to buddies, I went off in search of a nearby
tennis shoe shop I Google-Mapped. My current shoes are great ones I’ve had for
1-2 years, wearing them basically everyday but shoes only live for so long. The
heels have been so worn through that you can count all the material layers of
the shoe. The lovely arch supports I so enjoyed have been totally flattened
over so much wear. Not to mention they 100% reek with a vile stench despite my
attempts to subdue it with sweet pea perfume. Yeah, I think it’s time for new
shoes. As my (real) Dad put it, “you don’t want to be labeled a terrorist on
the plane when you take off your shoes” (with the disgusting odor attacking
people). XD
Next stop on my errand list was a visit to Wellcome grocery
store to search for a good source of sodium. My diet has severely lacked sodium
to the point where it is effecting my overall functioning. Can y’all recall how
I’ve been mentioning how tired I am for the past week? Not enough sodium is the
cause. Therefore I have three basic options to redeem this: salt, soy sauce or
clear chicken/beef broth. The first two options sound dreadful to me since I
would have to intake them alone without food. My fingers were crossed for
finding the third choice because it sounded a bunch tastier.
By some stroke of luck I actually found just the thing!
Though an Asian brand it advertised the clear English words “clear chicken
broth” and I translated the Chinese nutrition label on my own. This outta do
the trick! Anxiously buying two cans, I hurried home to restock my system with
sodium to finally get functioning properly. One sip and BAM! My face
immediately contorted. Man this stuff was so strong! Several more sips later I
began doubting whether or not I could down the whole can (which one can is
recommend a day for my sodium lacking diet). Even when spilt into two parts,
drinking it was not a welcoming time for both taste buds and stomach. I now
look at the second can I have in dread and already predict drinking it through
gritted teeth. This is sure not going to become a daily habit for me…not even a
weekly one. Andrea just doesn’t like gulping a whole can of this Asian clear
chicken broth purely by itself. Not nummy. Blah.
Well here’s to hoping I perk up a bit with the sodium
intake. Y’all take care now. Byes!
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