Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Another Num-Num Buffet

Tuesday April 23rd, 2013

Nothing too special about the morning. Basically just reading “Catching Fire,” getting shocked from the plot twist and all that jazz. I was puzzled when classmates kept switching between the seat next to me within a two hour period. First sat the chica who has that place as her assigned seat, then another chica for a short time, then a quiet boy and later another boy who used to sit next to me (not my first seat buddy though) and just slept. Why? No idea. Do I care? Not really.

For a bit of exploration, I tried the other buffet at the school that I’ve only been to once before a long time ago. It was smaller and more crowded but the final box was a tad cheaper than the other buffet. Though it had a different food selection, I still came out satisfied with my nutrition choices. My box happily contained a chunk of chicken on the bone, single slice of sausage, two cubes of tofu, two slim slices of tofu, pile of green leafy veggies and eggs. Neither tofus were the stinky kind and both were average at best. The slim slices didn’t taste like much of anything but at least the other type had a bit more personality though still shy. Whatever were tossed and cooked with these eggs gave it a tasty advantage over a hard-boiled one, something I’ll have to experiment with back in America ;). FYI, the bulk of veggies was hidden underneath the eggs so there’s more than the eye sees. :P

For the Chinese test today it was ok but I hit a couple unexpected snares though it felt good overall. Camille (French student) was touring Taiwan with her visiting French family and Marilu (Mexican student) was sick, making both girls absent. Therefore it was just Rike (German student) and I at Tatung Chinese class. With a smaller class we went through the material faster and covered more ground. Twas nice.

Since I didn’t have any immediate homework to accomplish, I thought tonight could have a full throttle on the two speeches needing to be written hanging over my head. That was in theory anyway. Reality was passing out for a couple hours from sudden tiredness that popped out of nowhere. Well, I tried to get a lot of work done…kinda… Sure I got some stuff accomplished but not as much as I would’ve hoped for. We all have our good and bad days right? No biggie.

Ta-ta for now! Byes!

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