Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nummy Fruit

Monday April 8th, 2013

The egg, cheese toast sandwich for breakfast was accompanied by something totally different and never seen before in my host family’s house before. Yummy, delicious, juicy pineapple slices! Total surprise but a wonderful one at that! Instead of my usual morning orange/mandarin orange/whatever orange version, I chowed down on nummy pineapple. ;)

Continuing on with fruit, I put through my master lunch nutrition plan for Taiwan today. Regarding lunches at University, I’m not fond of the food available on or around the campus because it’s just not really healthy. Therefore I’m trying a new approach, to bring a Nature Valley bar from the house and buy an apple at a fruit shop close to the University.

What a fantastic lunch combo! Not only is it the cheapest lunch I’ve bought, but also sooooooo delicious! This is the kind of healthy stuff I eat back in America, you know, how I lost all that weight. :P The honey granola crunchiness of the bar with the sweet juiciness of the apple was just a perfect match! 100% Andrea approved! ;D

At University, the teacher showed us some kind of chart that contained all our grades for Chinese class. Not everything was shown nor could I understand what each number entailed (when, homework, tests, etc.) but I am proud to say that my grades were among the highest if not the highest of my classmates. That’s the first time I’ve actually seen any solid number that sums up my marks. It’s good to know that I’ve done, well, good!

Two out of the three hour-long classes at high school I purposefully slept through. Indeed I was tired and even those spurts of rest still left me feeling drained. The snoozing was low in quality, which is probably why it wasn’t satisfying. Oh well, at least I got enough for exercise time at the elementary track later.

Tackled the monthly Rotary report in one fell swoop and continued on with other stuff. Fun. My thoughts shall end there. Good night all!

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