Sunday, April 28, 2013

Not Nummy Fish Guts

Thursday April 25th, 2013

It’s been quite some time since I last ate at the University buffet. I decided to give it another shot today but what immediately was an inconvenience was that the buffet wasn’t completely set up yet. Unless I skip naptime (which I won’t), I would have to wait around a while. That I can not do so I selected several things to combine with a tea egg purchase from 7-Eleven.

Obviously the most outstanding feature of this tray is the long fish. Since I was eating alone today, it seemed like the perfect time to finally try eating a whole fish. My skills at doing this are a limited to none so it was an experimental time. …I did not like experimental time. Though I managed to fish out (excuse the pun) some meat, many hiding bones slipped inside my throat and in no way was comfortable. More importantly I think I ate some things I shouldn’t have because I got disgusting bites. Those repulsive tastes must have come from the fish’s inner organs. I quickly learned to steer clear of it and stick with my bony meat. The tea egg provided some redemption but didn’t exactly give a firework finale end to the meal. Following, there was an unpleasant aftertaste from the fish even with a Listerine Mint Strip’s help. No way I’ll ever get that fish again and probably will stay clear of whole fish at buffets in general.

Nothing else interesting to report. How about I love Google’s weather predictions? Because they’ve been spot on and have correctly warned me when an umbrella is needed for the day. Ummm, there was also host father talking host grandmother to see the doctor (for a check-up I think) so dinner was late. They sent me a text informing me so I nuked a few leftovers in the microwave and nommed on a plum. Later they came back and steamed some dumplings, which I had a few of. I’m quite full now. Maybe too full. Who knows?

Sorry this seems like a half-hearted post. Still not exactly overflowing with energy. Sorry. Until next time guys!

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