Sunday, April 14, 2013

Addicted To Nutrition Book!

Friday April 12th, 2013

For sure today was an umbrella day. It rained all last evening, all last night, all this morning, all this afternoon and reached into the evening as well. And this is why I’ve loved my investment in a good sturdy umbrella more and more. A well-built one makes life ten times easier in Taipei. ;)

The entire first four hours of school were dedicated to taking thorough notes over my nutrition book. I am pulling that thing apart so all the important stuff gets jot down and sticks in my head. Plus I just have to yell out with enthusiasm, THIS STUFF IS ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING!!!!! Goodness Lord Almighty I get so excited when learning about how the internal body functions! It feels like I’m back in Biology AP class or beginning a college course, a wonderful progress-like feeling. Every page into this book makes me surer and surer the path of a nutritionist is the correct choice.

Chinese class was pretty good. We learned a new chapter for the first hour, took a test during the second (which came as an unknown surprise to me) and did a combo of speech corrections and more new learning material in the third hour. Good stuff.

There is one good thing that can come out of a seemingly 24-hour downpour of rain. There’s always at least one person who doesn’t have an umbrella and clearly wishes they had one. An ambassadorial goodwill opportunity arises! On the way to the subway, I came across one lady in the afternoon that was trying to turn a hoodless jacket into a head covering will still wearing it. I hopped beside her and shared my umbrella with a smile and she returned it with a grateful expression. The lady then asked me questions like where I was from and what am I doing in Taiwan as well as vocally saying her thanks. Now there’s a Taiwanese lady who knows an American Texan had the courtesy to share an umbrella in the rain. I pray and hope that small gestures like this can add up to promote friendly international relationships, after all, that's a big reason why I’m on a Rotary exchange. ^_^

As a result of the constant rain lasting over a day, it was nippy like the dickens tonight! This is about the coldest I’ve felt in Taiwan and that’s with wearing school uniform sweats and a fluffy long-sleeve shirt (the warmest clothing I have). Mix it up with general tiredness and you just want to curl up in warm covers and snoozle for a while. Though I used the word “want” the correct version is “did.” Did for 1.5 hours, that is, but hey, that’s all right. A rest now and then is good.

And so concludes this rainy day. Think there’ll be sunshine tomorrow? We’ll just have to find out. ;) Night y’all!

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